
Discussions about freelancing working

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Hello Everybody, Today I am Very to working in Seoclerks because i got 50+ Positive review in my profile. I also completed 86+ order here. Thanks SEOCLERKS #HappyFreelancing #HappyJourney #HappyME

  • SumonSEO
    SumonSEO Level 1
  • 1 4 years ago

    Everyone trying to make money online has the intention of quitting their day jobs to work full time for themselves. If that isn't your goal, it should be, because the freedom of working for yourself is amazing. Worki...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 2 4 years ago

    A lot of people think you need to know how to do everything website-related to start an online business, and that's not true at all. When I started in this industry I had no clue how to purchase a domain and set it on ...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 8 5 years ago

    If you're working online as a freelancer then you likely have plenty of skills you've acquired over the years and you may not know they could make you money. Think about it, if you were a content writer like myself, yo...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 2 5 years ago

    A majority of us here started out working a steady job, or not so steady depending on how you performed, but we all want to have a stable side income which can be done through freelancing. You may not want to write an ...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 1 5 years ago

    We all want to be millionaires, we all want to do very little work, but not many of the people out there will actually invest themselves into their freelancing to do this. Freelancing gets seen as an easy way to build ...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 5 5 years ago

    In the online freelancing world there isn't a system we pay into like social security or a pension that pays us when we're retired. If we're a business owner, we're likely paying something to Uncle Sam, but we're more ...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 1 5 years ago

    It doesn't matter what online marketplace I'm on; I always see the question "How can I increase my sales here?" because there isn't an answer that works for every platform. There's always something different that works...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 1 5 years ago

    Before writing a single word about my journey, I firstly want to thank SEOClerks platform for all the success I have achieved until today. I truly would be stuck in some 9-5 Job, but SEOClerks changed everything for me. ...

  • anishpdsah
    anishpdsah Level X3
  • 7 5 years ago

    Hi All, I am Samad from Pakistan. I am working in the freelancing field since 2009. I am providing all quality services to international and local clients like SEO, Link Building, Content Writing, Web Development, Wor...

    2 5 years ago

    Failure and success is a part of life, especially in the fields of Business and freelancing. Most of us would like to venture into new things and aspire for a degree of financial freedom in our life. Given a choice, ever...

  • jpk0007
    jpk0007 Level 1
  • 43 6 years ago

    As we all know, PayPal is one of the most popular online transaction medium that most of the people working online use to withdraw funds from the freelancing sites that they work on. One of the major benefits that they g...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 42 6 years ago

    In my experiences in life, I'm a long life learner meaning I stop go to college because of financial issues and then I'd focus on working and working and working but seems something wrong. Being a hardworker but still...

    78 6 years ago

    Freelancer is essentially a one-man job with no guarantee of success. one has to do everything on his own. you have to overcome most of the problems by searching solutions on your own. there is no predictability or secur...

  • jpk0007
    jpk0007 Level 1
  • 51 6 years ago

    Over the years I've worked with 1,000's of companies and I've come to realize something that is pretty mind blowing to me. When I start to work with these businesses and personal websites, I find out that many of them ...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 9 6 years ago

    How many times have you uploaded a profile picture that didn't actually show your own face? How many times has it been an image or a logo that you had made for your website and wasn't a real person? I'm sure a lot of...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 34 6 years ago

    As the holiday season comes to an end, many of us may have indulged a bit in a lot of celebratory eating. As a freelancer, I think we run the danger of sitting in front of the computer screen way too much--this is, obvio...

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 42 7 years ago

    When it comes to freelancing and selling your skills as a service, you will need to do a lot of things in order to keep the client happy. There are the more obvious things like keeping up a good conversation with the cli...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 25 7 years ago

    What is your preferred working schedule for a full time freelancing? I am presently employed but I'm already preparing for a full time freelancing work. My idea is to work at home in a 9 to 5 schedule like an em...

  • Corzhens
    Corzhens Level 1
  • 47 7 years ago

    It's Motivation Monday! I myself need some motivation from time to time, so I'm here to help those people who need a little bit of a push in order to keep motivated or to re-fuel their systems for success. We all get d...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 38 7 years ago

    Whenever you want to start working online, you'll have to hone your skills and be the best possible at what you're doing. Selling an SEO, writing or web design service isn't the easiest thing even if you're the best at...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 15 7 years ago

    Various times throughout the year I always get asked how someone can find a 9 to 5 job as a blogger. Many of these people are just starting out, but there are a few that have been blogging for a while and just want the...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 17 7 years ago

    I have been contemplating for months now if online work can support me when I retire from my office job. It’s nice to imagine that I wouldn’t wake up so early to leave for work and no more agony in the traffic when I...

  • Corzhens
    Corzhens Level 1
  • 34 7 years ago

    I've found that when it comes to freelancing, at least for me, the best way to make money and find jobs is to have a particular set of skills you can market. I've found my niche in video and photography and have been mar...

    37 7 years ago

    I think nearly all of us have online freelancing experience, whether it's through writing for content mills, selling articles, or providing SEO optimization or other services through sites like Fiverr and Upwork. I've da...

    37 7 years ago

    Hello guys!, I hope you are having a terrific day.I’ve beenworking as a freelancer for about 8 months now – I’m pretty much a newbie for you all- but as most of us I started making my living out a regular job. One...

  • PinkTurtle
    PinkTurtle Level 1
  • 45 7 years ago

    I get asked very often the following question: Should I hire a full-time SEO specialist to work as an in-house employee or should we sign a contract with an SEO or digital company? I personally worked on each side o...

  • Cristian
    Cristian Level X3
  • 7 7 years ago

    When you're a freelancer, you usually get stuck in a rut each day hammering out orders and running your business. This means you have limited time when it comes to finding new clients who are searching for your service...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 22 7 years ago

    Starting up a business isn't always easy, but if you use freelancers to help get the work done it will be like you're a fortune 500 company right from the beginning. When it comes to stating up your own business, you'r...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 27 7 years ago

    Freelancing is one of the best ways to be independent but at the same time it can also be a stressful struggle. When you're a freelancer you really don't have many regular clients because there aren't many subscription...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 20 7 years ago

    I'm sure that you've heard the saying "Don't put all of your eggs in one basket" when it comes to running a physical business or online business. When it comes to making money, you won't want to rely on one method to b...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 8 7 years ago

    Hello guys. Do you know of or subscribe to any real physical (or online) Freelance Magazines? Have you ever come across such a thing? I was just thinking about this today and realised, I've never come across anyth...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 8 7 years ago

    Earlier on I was talking to my mate about something and she was telling me about how she used to play Farmville or something on Facebook years ago and got quite into it and created this community on Facebook about it and...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 9 7 years ago

    Freelancing is like mining. You know there's gold in them thar hills! But you'll need to dig in to that hill from the bottom to the top! You could even think of it like a tiered and stacked structure. A pyramid made up o...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 7 7 years ago

    Whenever I was looking for an online marketing job I would always go to a few different sources, but there was not single platform that had everything I was looking for. Online marketing jobs are hard to come by because...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 11 7 years ago

    I was thinking about the world of freelancing and outsourcing and it made me ask myself, just what can you outsource to a freelancer or virtual assistant today? And how many things actually are there you can outsource?...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 7 7 years ago

    Hello freelancers & Merry Christmas! Christmas is a wonderful time, and most people I know are celebrating Christmas like a bunch of crazy people. Literally. Personally, even though I love Christmas, I don...

  • hitmeasap
    hitmeasap Level X5
  • 10 8 years ago

    There's some big changes going on in the world of freelancing in NY, USA right now that can effect both freelancer and the people that hire freelancers. A new law was passed by the city council of New York in October tha...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 10 8 years ago

    Why Do You Keep Coming Back To IM/Freelancing? What's the main reason for you to come back, day after day? Most of us are fully aware of why we became freelancers to begin with. - Due to the money, the possib...

  • hitmeasap
    hitmeasap Level X5
  • 6 8 years ago

    Many of us have been working online for years and have been chasing, or caught, the "American Dream" of working for ourselves and not having to answer to a boss. I put "American Dream" in quotes because not all of us ar...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 4 8 years ago