
Questions from user CryptoGuru

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Bitcoin is probably the biggest think to happen to humanity since the internet was invented. The question everyone has "is 2018 a bad year for Bitcoin?" I would still have to say no even though we have been in a 6 month ...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 42 6 years ago

    Crypto currency can no longer be ignored guys. We are seeing more and more people using and saving money with crypto currency as the years go by. I know many people who just don't know how to keep it and that's why they ...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 13 6 years ago

    Bitcoin is probably the biggest think to happen to humanity since the internet was invented. The question everyone has "is 2018 a bad year for Bitcoin?" I would still have to say no even though we have been in a 6 month ...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 7 6 years ago

    Hello guys its been awhile! Today i wanted to take the time out to come back and talk a little about the crypto industry especially Bitcoin. The news you probably read is all FUD or "Fear Uncertainty Doubt" news which is...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 57 6 years ago

    Well guys Bitcoin has been a rollercoaster the last 3-6 weeks, but i think we could be finally seeing great progress here in the near future. Bitcoin was so hot in the first week of January almost hitting 1070 but then f...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 10 8 years ago

    We have finally broken the year high many people thought it was not going to happen but as always Bitcoin proves all of the negativity aside and breaks 780. Previously we saw 760 which was back in June of this year. This...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 5 8 years ago

    I am getting a bit upset not for myself but for the investors who are in Ethereum. I have made a few topics about attacks that have been done in the past few weeks and it seems like it has not subsided yet. Four days ago...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 6 8 years ago

    The world of crypto currency is growing and im afraid in the next few years many people will miss an opportunity of a lifetime. 2016 was a great year for crypto as a whole and especially for Bitcoin. Paper money and worl...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 11 8 years ago

    Now that we ate a little over 2 weeks away to the end of the year. Holiday season is here we should take a look at our current investments into Bitcoin and Gold. Many people have trusted into Gold as the safe haven for i...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 8 8 years ago

    When it comes to world events Bitcoin has been showing up again and again with both positive and negative news. I think some more good news is rolling in and it involves the people who are fighting to protect animals bot...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 9 8 years ago

    Ethereum has been a crypto to watch during the last few weeks. We have seen ETH rise from 3 bucks to 20 and then back down to 6.20. I had a feeling this was going to happen and it did guys it fell into the 6.50 range lik...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 3 8 years ago

    Bitcoin has had probably the best year that we have seen so far. Apple Inc made it possible to buy things on Itunes with BTC. The halving happened which limited the supply of Bitcoins to miners and traders. Bitmain chang...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 9 8 years ago

    Investing into crypto currency has become a passion for me and now im starting to look for new investments for start up crypto currencies. The possibility for loss is higher because start ups can go in either direction...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 9 8 years ago

    Digital coin or DGC is one of the lower currencies on the market today. DGC had a market cap of under 400,000 USD today. Digital coin is worth just under a penny at about .009 per one coin. In 2013 this coin went a...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 8 8 years ago

    The united states is trying to ban the 50 and 100 dollar bills. India has mentioned that it has banned the 500 and 1000 Rupee bills, and that all citizens have until the end of December to cash them in before they become...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 10 8 years ago

    I have been talking alot about Dash coin lately and i have been doing alot of research into this crypto. I feel that this crypto could make it to be number 2 crypto when it comes to price and market price. Dash offer...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 4 8 years ago

    Its so exciting to see my plans unfolding when it comes to Bitcoin anyway. Ethereum really let me down, but lets talk about Bitcoin and its movement in the last few hours. Previously i mentioned Bitcoin finding support p...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 6 8 years ago

    Ethereum has been getting kicked and beaten down by hackers in the month of November. Last month ETH was almost $11 on average and it has lost almost $3 in worth which is HUGE if you own hundreds of coins. In another pos...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 9 8 years ago

    I see Bitcoin is starting to creep back into the 725 range which is normal before a rally. If you have been following my posts you will notice almost every time Bitcoin price rallies higher, it first falls back. I believ...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 11 8 years ago

    We are seeing a savage attempt to to take Ethereum out i think. That is purely my opinion and they have a ton of work to do to make up for this. Investors and large holders on the Ethereum network are out of sync with th...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 5 8 years ago

    Bitcoin is really killing them in a good way. The currency has been battling the higher resistants of 750 and it looks like we may see it push past 750 into the 800 range pretty soon. As you guys know recently we say a r...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 11 8 years ago

    Ethereum Price is soaring and it has investors breathing a sigh of relief. Last week ETH scared me half to death when it dropped to 9.77 on I had to moved all my coin to Coinbase to get a better price and i c...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 5 8 years ago

    Following crypto currency is getting exciting, but in the past 2 weeks not so much. Bitcoin had a little rally few weeks ago and then fell and found support again around the 700 range. If you purchased Bitcoin in the las...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 11 8 years ago

    Block chain technology is taking over the world. This is becoming more evident every month that passes by. Bitcoin is only a very small part of what this tech can do for the world. Africa has already put their entire cou...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 14 8 years ago

    Bitcoin is the crypto currency king and many people trade it, use it, and mine for it on a daily basis. It's becoming so popular that governments are scrambling to try and figure out a way to tax it. Just recently the IR...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 10 8 years ago

    Recently i mentioned Ethereum and its current state in earlier topics. Today i wanted to update you guys on the current price and not only that but also why its taking a nose dive. Ethereum Just went through a hard fork ...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 4 8 years ago

    Crypto currencies are widely used all over the world by so many people. We don't have very many exchanges for a good price that you don't need to sign up for. Its actually very basic, all you need is a few wallets with c...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 8 8 years ago

    Litecoin is probably the Bitcoin of scrypt coins. It is so popular with miners and investors alike. The question people ask me is "How do i know if i should invest into it". You guys know i only follow a few currencies a...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 3 8 years ago

    This is a great time to be alive! The Cubs won the world series, a women almost won presidency, and Bitcoin is rising above 700. So many monumental events taking place in America over the last few months its amazing. How...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 5 8 years ago

    Marketing is something i have been doing a long time. Direct marketing, B2B marketing, Social Media Marketing, and more! I just wanted to explain my plan and some of the things i have tried to get my affiliate sales up a...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 7 8 years ago

    I have been working here on Seoclerks a long time and i am a happy guy working here. In the past few months the owner decided to pay people to write about different thing to help increase SEO for the website. I was going...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 6 8 years ago

    Dash has been killing the market this week in a good way. If you follow the crypto world you will understand why this is so exciting. Last week the price if DASH was about 8.75 8.90 now its over 9.80 a coin. In the crypt...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 5 8 years ago

    I have been trading a few currencies and ETH is one of them. I was able to get in under 10.70 and now im waiting on that 11 dollar price it was at a few days ago. The current price is 10.67 and thats low. Ethereum has b...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 9 8 years ago

    It as been a rocky few days for Bitcoin, as you guys know a rumor caused the market to fall almost 10%. It has since recovered about 2-3% but will it get back to the 740 number it was at before the rumor? I think we are ...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 9 8 years ago

    When it comes to digital currencies Bitcoin is certainly the most important of them all. Bitcoin is widely accepted in many countries and many large companies accept this currency. What holds a major key to Bitcoins pric...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 5 8 years ago

    So many alt currencies are popping up and becoming available to trade and invest into. One of the top alt currencies to date in Ethereum and its actually the top performing cryptocurrency of 2016. The current value is ab...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 8 8 years ago

    The world of crypto currency is becoming more popular day by day. More vendors are accepting Bitcoin and other crypto currencies. People are seeing the value of Bitcoin and are investing at a rapid rate. The question i a...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 5 8 years ago

    36 hours ago Bitcoin rallied past 718 and achieved a high of 720. China is buying Bitcoin like crazy and its causing the price to rise. Last night the price fell to 687, i was able to cash out at 710 and get back in at 6...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 8 8 years ago

    This was a great year for Bitcoin. Actually it was the best year Bitcoin has had since 2013. So far i have done well predicting what Bitcoin will do and price movements. I will go ahead and make another prediction. 2017 ...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 7 8 years ago

    Since Bitcoin became a little popular in 2012 everyone has been saying that it is volatile. I always hear mining and trading is not profitable. I have proven them wrong and i have figured out a way to invest wisely. I st...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 10 8 years ago