
Questions from user ProAdvert9

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Hi, I'm using Payoneer because it's a very fast way to withdraw your money. Unfortuantely on Seoclerks, from a few weeks (i think...) a bottleneck is created by the too long processing withdrawal request. I understand...

  • ProAdvert9
    ProAdvert9 Level X5
  • 24 7 years ago

    After several years as a freelancer, I noticed that the most buyers who create problems (usualy trying to steal my work or to get get refund under the bad review pressure), are from a few countries in the world. I can't ...

  • ProAdvert9
    ProAdvert9 Level X5
  • 15 7 years ago

    What's the best working YouTube bot to get YT views (or even likes, comments, etc)? I don't want anything that can get me banned.

  • ProAdvert9
    ProAdvert9 Level X5
  • 7 8 years ago

    What SEO software is used to get thousands of backlinks? I see some sellers are selling 50K backlinks or 100k live backlinks for $5. One of them should be Scrapebox, usually to get blog comments, but other SEO softwar...

  • ProAdvert9
    ProAdvert9 Level X5
  • 13 8 years ago

    Here, on Seoclerks, some niches rocked in the music industry: cheap prices (starting from $1) and lots of plays. Usually who offer most plays at cheapest price ($1) he get the most customers - it's called competition in ...

  • ProAdvert9
    ProAdvert9 Level X5
  • 12 8 years ago

    I wish to every seller and buyer a happy new year!!!

  • ProAdvert9
    ProAdvert9 Level X5
  • 17 9 years ago

    Hi, When I try to access a Seoclerks service via an affiliate link I get an error: invalid certificate. This error will keep many new customers out of seoclerks (or at least very suspicious) if it will not be fixed. A...

  • ProAdvert9
    ProAdvert9 Level X5
  • 5 9 years ago

    In the last month I encountered many problems with Seoclerks: it banned legal bookmarking services (manual bookmarking on twitter, facebook, etc), it banned legal music services (like sharing music on twitter, facebook, ...

  • ProAdvert9
    ProAdvert9 Level X5
  • 17 10 years ago

    Hi, Last evening I tried to Free Bump one SoundCloud service (I had 5 free bumps available), but I couldn't and a message notified me that bumping the service in not allowed. I tried to free bump other SoundCloud servi...

  • ProAdvert9
    ProAdvert9 Level X5
  • 9 10 years ago

    Hi, I started this Samsung Galaxy (S4,S5,Note2,Note3) G+ page 1 year and half ago, and now I have more than 32,000 real followers (most of them are from USA). The pro...

  • ProAdvert9
    ProAdvert9 Level X5
  • 4 10 years ago

    Hi, Recently I saw that many sellers from here have affiliate stores that sell Seoclerks services. It's a great idea and I would like to create that kind of store, but I don't know what script to use or what to do. I ma...

  • ProAdvert9
    ProAdvert9 Level X5
  • 17 10 years ago