
Why am I so tired after walking?

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Why am I so tired after walking?

Yesterday, I went walking a long way to the local corner market in our town, at least a mile there and back. It was a very nice walk. And, I felt fine that afternoon, no soreness. However, today when I woke up, I was very groggy all morning and afternoon and had to take a nap. I feel fine now, but I'm just worried this is residual from having walked so far. I know that two miles is not a lot to walk and many walk that every day. I am just now getting into walking this past few months, so I'm working into it. I am wondering how long it will be before I am strong enough to do this every day without feeling so run down and tired the next day.


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This happens to me when I go for a mile run after few days I usually go for a mile run in the morning but for pas few days I am getting up very late so I am missing my run . But this same thing happen to me and it last for almost 24-48 hours . Dont rest on the next day always go out and walk because if you stop this groggy feeling will give you a whole bad day so its best that you keep up with the routine and take rest properly Why am I so tired after walking?

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Ahh it could be also heavy day when the weather change... That's what usually bother me

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Your body is still adjusting to the increased activity level. And, it will take awhile to get used to the extra work. Just keep up your walking routine every day, rather than once or twice a week. This will help your body become accustomed to the activity faster.

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I agree with Savonne. I am working at a much faster paced job now and at nights I am exhausted. It will just take sometime to get used to.

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This happens to me when I go for a mile run after few days I usually go for a mile run in the morning but for pas few days I am getting up very late so I am missing my run . But this same thing happen to me and it last for almost 24-48 hours . Dont rest on the next day always go out and walk because if you stop this groggy feeling will give you a whole bad day so its best that you keep up with the routine and take rest properly Why am I so tired after walking?

I am planning to go walking more often, even every day or every other day. At first, it will be very strenuous. But I think it will be better to be more active.

Ahh it could be also heavy day when the weather change... That's what usually bother me

Yes, the weather is getting a lot warmer.

I have to leave out really early in the morning when I'm going for a walk, when it's still cool, even 8 am or just before. Otherwise, I won't make it back before 10am and by then it's already roasting outside. Why am I so tired after walking?

Oh where are the cool, chilly days of spring?

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Your body is just not used to it. Try to work up to a longer amount by going on smaller walks during the day.

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That happens to all the people, if you don't workout and make some exercises frequently, your body will not be able to fix all the muscles that you work out walking. That is not bad it means that your body is healing, but I recommend to make some exercises to improve your health and be more productive in your work!

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Hi, Beverly, I think you need to practice that is all. It may pass over two weeks until you will be strong enough to do this every day without feeling so run down. The most important thing right now is not giving up, walk as much as you can every day but you should not abuse yourself because it may affect your health.

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There are many factors contributing to weakness of the body. When you feel sluggish, and if that is not normal to you, think of your previous day and night. The first in the list for me is sleep. If you had a good night's sleep then probably you have overworked your body yesterday. Diet also is relevant because lack of nutrients can make us weak. I wake up so early because I leave for the office early to avoid the rush hour traffic. My bedtime is 9 pm and when I sleep late, I feel sluggish on the next morning but I don't mind it. My body can recuperate by itself.

However, when you think that everything in you is normal regarding your sleep, food and activities then I suggest you get a checkup. Diabetics have that manifestation of sudden weakness which is caused by the lowered blood sugar.

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I'm being forced to think that it is as a result of not being used to walking. If you have been jogging every morning, it won't have affected you that much. So, try walking often or engage in sports that involve training the legs and see the changes that are going to come through it.

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Maybe you need some wooden canes for walking? This is the best way to successful walking without pain and tiredness. My friend had the same troubles as you do, and the wooden cane totally helped him, now she is much more helthier and happier.

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