
Answers from user tacitinc

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Hello fellow freelancers, It seems that most of the posts on this community discussions are anything between 50 and 300 words or so. - We obviously have several posts which are way more than that too, but I would say th...

  • hitmeasap
    hitmeasap Level X5
  • 8 8 years ago

    What is the best plugin for my wordpress site and blogs? Thanks in advance.

  • mikestang746
    mikestang746 Level 1
  • 11 10 years ago

    1. Article Directories This is one of the fantastic idea of increasing traffic and getting back links to your gig or work. I have seen many gigs which have shown up to get more traffic. People always look for articles to...

  • benzin
    benzin Level 1
  • 105 10 years ago

    Greetings to you all!! I just finished reading a thread about horror movies and writing about them... It got me thinking, and wondering what scary flicks tickle your fancy!! I have ohhhh soooo many.... Hmmmm.... Where ...

    25 10 years ago

    Hello Friends, I want all of you to participate in this thread. The things I am saying here is as a Happy and Satisfed user, not as a Staff or anything. We are are using SEOClerks daily, getting loads of orders and we a...

  • akshat112
    akshat112 Level X4
  • 31 11 years ago

    Greetings everyone It must be everyday now that I receive messages from our members asking me how to get more affiliates. It one thing to have a large amount of affiliates, but are they active? Here are a few tips for ...

  • tacitinc
    tacitinc Level X3
  • 2 11 years ago

    I will say if your business is dependent on only Google then it is really very bad business policy and you don't have any control over your business, you should be careful to it, you shouldn't put all the eggs in one bas...

  • Theadora
    Theadora Level 1
  • 17 11 years ago

    I can't believe there is not a thread about this yet, but is anyone as livid about the Hummingbird update as I am? Did they finally just collectively agree they just had no idea wtf was going on with their algorhythm an...

  • tacitinc
    tacitinc Level X3
  • 10 11 years ago

    So I have just added a new blog to my SEO Clerks Affiliate Store: Have a read through this opening post and if you have a gig that fits into any of the following categories and also me...

  • Sean101
    Sean101 Level 1
  • 31 11 years ago

    The uContext plug-in automatically locates keywords in your content and turns them into YOUR Clickbank contextually related affiliate links. This is a great plug-in if you have a blog with lots of posts, or you have lots...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 5 11 years ago

    Have you checked your balance tab today ?? Jordan added new and cool feature (now we can track our affiliate earnings) Check below screenshots: This time i posted thread before jordan leave your review below abo...

  • sunil0021
    sunil0021 Level 1
  • 8 11 years ago

    IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING WOW.... Full report soon - post your thoughts here So much easier to use than fiverr, good lord I am more proud to be apart of SEOClerks everyday...

  • tacitinc
    tacitinc Level X3
  • 20 11 years ago

    If you are ever bored this is always a fun read Excerpt: The following table sets forth all expenses to be paid by the registrant, other th...

  • tacitinc
    tacitinc Level X3
  • 5 11 years ago

    SEOClerks affiliate system is amazing. Till now I have earned 40$+ Just from affiliates sales. Affiliate Clicks: 1718 Affiliate Members: 272 This are my stats .

  • pravin
    pravin Level 1
  • 15 11 years ago

    Do you write content yourself or you outsource? Is it beneficial to post content on Hubpages, bloggers by buying content, would you get return from that?

  • MikeQ
    MikeQ Level 1
  • 26 11 years ago

    The thing I always suggest when people talk about Google algorithm changes and instability in how sites are ranked is to simply go back to basics. Publish highest quality articles on your blog or site, update daily if n...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 25 11 years ago

    Is anyone on here a car fanatic / gear head like me? I hope so.. perhaps we can spark some good conversation between all of us! Use this thread to talk about any kinds of cars you want. I figured we could all post...

  • tacitinc
    tacitinc Level X3
  • 14 11 years ago

    Where can I fing Website Templets for free and who to edit templets

  • maxsmith
    maxsmith Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    When you are tired or don't feel like working, what motivates you to keep working?

  • Riley
    Riley Level 1
  • 27 11 years ago

    I thought I would share this as well... Make sure you make your links in these types of promo campaigns nofollow / noindex to comply w/ latest google update! I found a neat trick where I am putting my youtube promo links...

  • tacitinc
    tacitinc Level X3
  • 4 11 years ago

    Do you use Twitter for spreading your affiliate links? Or, do you have a site that you like to link to? How are you using Twitter now?

  • Griffin
    Griffin Level 1
  • 27 11 years ago

    SEOClerks is now accepting Bitcoin as a payment form for services. When you click to order any service, you'll see the new Bitcoin option available: Click and follow the instructions to pay. You'll be returned to th...

  • ionicware
    ionicware Level X5
  • 48 11 years ago

    Some people say Google Plus social networking site is a fail, but how so? It doesn't compare in every way to Facebook but doesn't it have it's own advantages that Facebook doesn't compete with?

  • Minolta
    Minolta Level 1
  • 16 11 years ago

    Some bloggers claim to be earning thousands of dollars every month from Adsense and affiliate sales. Do you think this is actually possible?

  • Dayton
    Dayton Level 1
  • 14 11 years ago

    Have you heard of Mahalo Search? What is it and is it actually better than Google search?

  • Forrest
    Forrest Level 1
  • 16 11 years ago

    In your own experience, what's been the highest paying (best ctr with highest payout) for Adsense?

  • Avery
    Avery Level 1
  • 4 11 years ago

    Have you earned the Youtube partner status that lets you show Adsense on your videos? If so, does this earn good money for you?

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 21 11 years ago

    Have you tried DuckDuckGo search? They have partnered with Yandex and actually have very good search results.

  • forever love
    forever love Level 1
  • 25 11 years ago

    I spend about half an hour on Gmail and another hour on Youtube. Both are Google products.

  • Jackson
    Jackson Level 1
  • 16 11 years ago

    What tips can you share that will help prevent hacking of a Gmail or Yahoo email account?

  • Jackson
    Jackson Level 1
  • 8 11 years ago

    SEOClerks Exclusive Giveaway ;) 500+ Dofollow Forums to post your sig backlinks on Crucial for backlink diversity now a days - especially those of you on the manual route like me Enjoy!!

  • tacitinc
    tacitinc Level X3
  • 41 11 years ago

    I don't use Facebook for friends. If I need to speak to a friend, then I will just go see them or call on the phone. Putting Facebook between me and my friends is only a barrier to real friendship. So I don't use it f...

  • Hunter
    Hunter Level 1
  • 35 11 years ago

    For you, For Free, Tis All Enjoy. 1 8 2 8 3 7 4 7 5 6 6 6 7 http://www...

  • tacitinc
    tacitinc Level X3
  • 11 11 years ago

    Here's a really fun search engine that brings you the funniest LOL pics for any subject you want. Check it out.

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 23 11 years ago

    What are some ways to create an attractive looking Facebook page? Share tips and ideas.

  • America
    America Level 1
  • 13 11 years ago

    Has anyone on here used newegg to buy electronics and such? I was told that it was a great site, but am not sure if it is any good. Anyone have any feedback on it?

  • ralph101
    ralph101 Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    I need to make $50 per day and I'm starting to reach it just by offering services here on SEOClerks (I'm at $15 per day if you average out last month sales). Anyone got any tips or tricks how I can increase sales and get...

  • Drake83
    Drake83 Level 1
  • 23 11 years ago

    I did this on my home forum a long time ago before it turned into a dino pit LoL and it received quite a bit of attention. I can remember back when It was always motivation to see real stats from earnings in a thread lik...

  • tacitinc
    tacitinc Level X3
  • 7 11 years ago

    I was doing a few minutes of random domain searching - ended up looking for and out of left field, feeling as though I had just been sodomized by a rick roll - I am redirected to the zietgiest official yo...

  • tacitinc
    tacitinc Level X3
  • 2 11 years ago

    If you are a Level-X member here on SEOClerks and you sellSEO, marketing, promotion, or other types of services, reply below and i will add your profile link to the "Top Sellers" section of the left column on my Affiliat...

  • Sean101
    Sean101 Level 1
  • 76 11 years ago