
Questions from user roberto79

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Hi everyone. I started this thread just for fun. I don't have much challenges of being a freelancer as I am a part time SEO freelancer. Maybe sometimes, I come across buyers that says A and then changes to B at the very ...

  • roberto79
    roberto79 Level 1
  • 13 9 years ago

    I've been off Seoclerks for a long time due to some problems with my computer. I'm back to Seoclerks and I tried to make a new service. When I'm done creating a new service, I wanted to save it but then I received a red ...

  • roberto79
    roberto79 Level 1
  • 7 10 years ago

    Hello. I got this one buyer bought my service. I put all my efforts in the order, I responded everytime she asked me questions, deliver it as fast as i could, but as soon as i delivered the order, she didn't even complet...

  • roberto79
    roberto79 Level 1
  • 8 10 years ago

    Im a level 1 user. Since the beginning, i recieved small amounts of order. I didnt recieve much profit from it. I wanna know, how to convince any user to buy my services? I know the cheaper the service is, the more peopl...

  • roberto79
    roberto79 Level 1
  • 3 10 years ago

    i have made an order with this one seller. he took so long to respond. i already gave him the requirements of what i would like to order in his gig and he replied. i've been waiting for few days now. i decided to cancel ...

  • roberto79
    roberto79 Level 1
  • 1 11 years ago