
Quality or Quantity-Your suggestion?

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Quality or Quantity-Your suggestion?

I think an article should be faithful enough that it should give you quantity and as much as quality knowledge. It should not be something that you regret as you wasted your time on writing it. It is a social crime to mislead people by just writing an interesting title but nothing special in the description. I think quality and quantity both are important but you are writing with high-quality articles then quantity does matter a bit.


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I always prefer quality, many times as I am reading an article it does not make sense and has no answers. I would much prefer for it to be short and sweet but with a quality information.

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Quality for me. Often times if I find something uninteresting and even more so that it's long, I stop reading/watching it. I just can't stand those, it's always about the quality. If something is able to get my attention within the first two minutes of me reading it, then great, otherwise I become skeptical.

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Write like you talk. Take people directly to do the point for haven's sake don't waste their time. This is why I believe you shouldn't focus on quantity at all. Just focus on quality, a good detailed and complete article on a certain subject will also have quantity.

Don't create quantity just for Google and SEO purposes, keep in my that Google can figure out user satisfaction and will rank you accordingly no matter how many useless words you've written.

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To be honest, a balance of both quantity and quality is preferable. While quality can't be compromised, too much content while giving the impression of authority tends to distract the reader. To counter this, the content should be divided into sub-sections and a clear and coincise summary given in order to refresh the reader's attention span.

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In some cases, perhaps. Although if you are using click-baits as tactic to get visitors, you will soon end up in a bad place. But overall, quality should always be above quantity. If you really want to build something from your writing, that is. Quality or Quantity-Your suggestion?

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Quantity and quality both matters. You write very good article and vanish for months. By the time you are ready with a new article, your readers will have hard time remembering you. You write in quantities, produce one after another article. Your readers will go away, they will thing there is nothing new in your articles.
You should seek a middle path. Write regularly and write quality. Only with the quality and quantity you can hook the readers. In order to succeed as a writer, you should write and publish regularly, and you should give quality writings to your readers

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I will always support quality over quantity.

Google seems to agree with their updating algorithms and page ranks.

You should strive to make quality content and quality links.

Quantity is just deception.

Quality might take longer and requires more effort but it is also far more rewarding, at least in my opinion.

Mix of both is probably the most common road though.

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I always prefer quality to the detriment of quantity. This indicates, first of all, the seriousness with which you treat your clients, and this reflects immediately in the price. And when shopping, I prefer to buy from a place where there are few products but I know they are qualitative, so remember this, it will help you much in the future!

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In my humble opinion, I think the quality is more important than the quantity. You should be faithful to those who already follow you and respect them by not just giving them garbage content. And the best way to gain new followers and expand your business is having good quality. People won't read your articles just because you have many. However, if you have a few but they're really good they will become more interested in your stuff and start asking for more. Obviously, you don't want to be posting once every month. You should aim to post as much as you can. The rule is, post as often as you can without compromising the quality!

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in everything in life I prefer quality than quantity and reading articles is not an exception. I hate it read junks because it would be total waste of gain nothing from it.

So for me I prefer to write a short article straight and concise than long and meaningless articles.

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I agree with cristian. If we will write the quality content then it would have quantity too. We should not miss anything while writing an article so you will have quality and quantity in the same piece of text. If you will consider the quality then you don't have to worry about SEO and other stuff.

I found a lot of people writing over the internet just to fill the space and some people have installed the words counter to be more specific. Just consider the quality and you will have everything in your article.

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I think a lot depends on what you do with the website. I have found that some of the time quality matters a lot on some specific niche. And if it is news type of site then you should go for the quality. This way you can reach more people. And in due process that can surely bring you more revenue or the goals that you seek. So it's often mixed depends on niche.

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Quality everytime which a lot of people seem to have the toughest time understanding. It's not so much about how many of something you own as much as the quality, cars are a perfect example you can have 3 cars in your garage, you gave 2K per car, or one that you paid 20K for. Obviously your going to enjoy the 20K car much more than the others.

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I am a big fan of quality instead of quantity. If I access a website, I try to value its content qualities, not quantity.

With that same thought I create content for my sites. That is, it's no use doing daily articles and having a low quality. Instead I prefer to post once or twice a week and have memorable article and high probability of being ranked by Google.

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Particularly I think quality wins from quantity. For the post to be successful and attract the attention of the reader is essential that the content is of quality, only a title calling will not advance if the content is below expectations.

But worth stressing that it is no use making a quality post and after a month another posting, you need to be always active, do not say every day, but I think 1 posting every two days is good.

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I’m a person of quality over quantity, but when I’m writing I don’treally focus on how much I’m writing, I just focus on the content and if it’s
flowing and it’s good, why to stop?, I mean I don’t like restricting myself when
it comes to writing. I think is also proper to say I don’t have that much
experience but it has work so far. Also I agree with the person that said “ Don’t
make people lose their time” I absolutely hate when they start with an awesome
title and good subject but then they don’t know how to developed it and make an
awful writing.

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One of the reasons why I don't post on my blog on a daily basis is because I want to write quality articles. I usually do as much research as I can on what I am writing and I spend must time to write the article. Quality will attract people to your blog and will encourage them to keep visiting.

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I prefer quality over quantity. It's better to be brief and concise to your points rather than writing flowery words for the sake of making the article long. Writing a long article doesn't mean you are writing a quality one. Readers don't like very long articles as well. They prefer quality articles too. They don't like information overload. I feel the same. I prefer writing articles that are clear and add images to support its quality. With this, my readers won't get bored from reading very long articles while I let them end up enjoying what they are learning from my write ups.

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I don’t consider the length of my article as quantity because I have a standard length to follow particularly with my blogs which are 2 pages long most of the time. Of course, the quality of the content is my ultimate objective in writing articles that’s why I try to finish it in my desired length. And when I am forced to expand the article for more quantity, I cannot guarantee the quality anymore and that’s what I am avoiding – writing a long article with lower quality of content.

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I think both are important. Especially if you want google to rank you on the first page. Google's algorithm looks for quality content. At the same time if you right quantity it helps your ranking ranking. Popular bloggers like Neil Patel write content of a thousand or more words. They say this is this is the best way, to get ranked number 1 Google. It is assumed the more content you have, the more information you have, that's both quantity and quality in one.

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