
SEO without SERPs is here with Google Assistant, Home and Amazon Echo. How can SEO's survive?

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SEO without SERPs is here with Google Assistant, Home and Amazon Echo. How can SEO's survive?

So you've all probably heard of Amazon Echo and seen the advert on TV or online by now? Well of course, Google wants a slice of that "smart home" market with it's own version of Google Home.

And Google are banking that sales of their Google Home devices will go from 1.8 million in 2016 to 15+ million by 2020. And by looking at how the family in their promotional video interacts with Google Home I have no doubt that's a goal they'll achieve.

Watch the Google Home demo video from Google I/O.

Yes it actually can do those same things. It can turn music on and off and play what you ask it. It can control all the lights in your house. It may even be able to do much more like pre-order any groceries or other basics you need or even make suggestions to you based on what it might think you need.

Although, it still doesn't know what to do or quite how to respond to some of the things you ask it lol and will just say "I'm Sorry, I’m not sure how to help with that." But apparently, not nearly as many times as Amazon's Echo home device does. Reviews of all home devices had been done by Danny Sullivan from SearchEngineLand who put both home devices to the test.

And as many more people adopt these smart home devices, Google is not only finding a way to fully integrate itself into peoples lives. But these smart home devices could and already do, have quite a significant impact on some SERP results. Even replacing them altogether as people are searched automatically and told about the "closest" or best suggestion for them.

And SEO's, bloggers, webmasters and affiliate marketers will need to make some adjustments if they are to stay relevant today and actually get picked as the best or suggested results by Google home or Amazon Echo or some other smart home speaker.

According to the article on SearchEngineLand, they'll need to understand the types of queries this affects and use the right blend of informational and promotional messaging in featured snippets. And get ranked for featured snippets or go home!

They do show some sample queries and how each might be effected whether there is any opportunity to SEO that query. But could these devices eliminate the need to do SEO on a website forever? Or just a change to how SEO's traditionally work?

Have you got a smart home speaker yet like Google Home or Amazon Echo yet?

Would you give Google complete control over your house and life?


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Oh wow, yes I am sure that this is going to take off big time. I mean watching some of the sci fi movies where you have these AI systems in your home that can get just about anything done for you.

Its quite funny cos sometimes people have said "Oh and does it make coffee too"? for example when you have a phone that has so many functionalities and you are bragging about it.... now this sort of thing can probably make coffee right? You can have it integrated with a coffee machine and tell it to make you a cappuccino right?

See that's when you've made it, when someone says sarcastically "does it make coffee too?" and you can say well yes actually it can, do you want an espresso or cappuccino?

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Yes. Google is awesome and I pretty much want all of that in my life. On the other hand, things don't look so good for the future of SEO, like in 15 years from that it will be all about instant answers, probably voice commands on anything and everything.

I've talked about this in the past, how Google instant answers are ruining websites that once got a lot of traffic from highly searched keywords that are now all embedded in Google's algorithm as instant answers and voice answers. I don't think classic search engines results will disappear anytime soon but things will definitely change as both Google and Facebook are trying to offer a complete online experience linked with everything you do in day to day life.

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This discussion reminds me of a movie that I had seen on cable tv where a company was selling an automated home. Everything is controlled by voice command of the home owner. Of course, the appliances are modern and they automatically turn on when there is a need like going to the living room and it will be lighted by the computer. But in the end the problem appeared that an automated home can be hacked to the detriment of the owner.

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