
What was your favorite sport as a child?

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What was your favorite sport as a child?

I was into gymnastics and ballet for a very long time as a child. And, at one point, we went to the circus and I became fascinated by acrobats and was determined to devote my life to that.

Thankfully, I grew out of that obsession before I got injured. What was your favorite sport as a child?

What was your favorite sport as a child?


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I loved basketball. I would spend hours outside playing, but by myself.

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my own is football. i still remember those days when i was a good keeper in my school days.

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my own is football. i still remember those days when i was a good keeper in my school days.

It is amazing how we can build memories like that that stay alive forever.

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I was always into athletics and swimming . Started when I was in 3rd grade and I left athletics when I was in my First year of university. I still miss those lovely days What was your favorite sport as a child?

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Basketball and table tennis

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I was more into writing in my journal as a teen, so I didn't have time for sports. It was just not for me and even now I don't like to do sports much.

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I was always a big kid so sports didn't appeal to me. They don't appeal to me now either.

I was that kid in gym that would always hang out at the back of the class so I didn't get picked by coach for anything.

Not everyone is suited for sports. At least I didn't think that I was. Lots of other things to do in life, I didn't miss out on much.

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Basketball and table tennis

Is table tennis a real sport? I saw that on a movie called Forest Gump, but didn't realize it was considered a sport.

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I like a lot of sports, but I always like football (soccer) the most, I still play that when I have the time and go out with my friends and play, but if you ask me I can play any sports like Basketball, Baseball, Swim, etc.

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My favorite sport when I was a child was badminton. I was playing it for hours with my friends. I remember how we draw a field and created a field file and made contests. I was the one who always won at Badminton. I am sorry that I haven't continued playing it. I gave up around 18 years old!

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I absolutely loved swimming and volleyball. I still love it to this day but don't practice these sports anymore. And I'm pretty sure I am no longer good at volleyball. However, I have many fond memories of these sports and had a blast with my teammates. Sometimes I wish I was still part of these teams, it was so much fun.

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Kick ball, dodge ball, and volley ball.

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My father was a race horse trainer and I have 3 brothers who were jockeys. When I was in grade school, my father taught me how to ride a racehorse. But it's not to be a jockey for racing. My father wanted me to be an equestrian to compete in international riding. I enkoyed riding a horse. Unfortunately, one young rider had an accident in the tracks that almost killed her. For fear that it might happen to me, my father made me quit riding.

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My favorite sport during y teen days was soccer.I think I got to like it because of my hormones lol.I was more of a tomboy then.I hope to do masculine things and Had guys mostly as friends.So I used to play football alone with them.

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I watch football at this age, but while still a kid, I had special love for athletics and was also running the 100 m race as of then in school. With time and changes of activities, I had to stop.

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I loved running. I wasn't really into sports but I used to play football for fun. I liked reciting poems and I did them for myself and competition too.

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Probably my favorite sport both in childhood and now is football. I especially like EPL, I try to never miss these matches. Well, it's not possible right now, since I'm betting on football, so I always need to be up to date with all the news. By the way, in this regard, I like Dimers at this link, where I read the news, and watch predictions and live matches.

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