
What if Youtube were your only option for entertainment?

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What if Youtube were your only option for entertainment?

What if you had no cable TV or Hulu or Netflix or any other way to watch TV. What would you do on Youtube for fun and entertainment ?


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if this is than you tube is the only way of entertainment so i spend my leisure time here in Youtube.

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I like Youtube for the educational videos. You can learn so much on Youtube! Pretty much every topic you want to know about is covered in a great tutorial, so there is great educational benefit from the site. Also, some fun full length movies are popping up on Youtube lately. I'm sure Youtube would be more than enough for me, if that was all I had to watch as I'm rarely watching TV now anyway.

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I know of some people who are addicted to YouTube. One is my husband’s nephew who is mildly autistic. When not doing anything, he would be glued to his phone in watching videos on YouTube. He loves anime and cartoons. In the mentality of that boy who is actually a young man now, I guess that he would turn to video games if there is no more YouTube. Of course, he will be downhearted but for sure it will not take long before he shifts to another type of entertainment in the internet.

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