
I will make origami DIY paper craft videos for your social media for $5

100% (7)
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I will make origami DIY paper craft videos for your social media

Are you looking for a DIY origami paper craft video for your social media?

I can make any type of impressive DIY craft video like Origami, Paper Flower, Flower Vase, Wall Decoration, Pen or Pencil Pot, Bottle Crafts, Recycling Crafts, Wall Hanging, DIY Greeting Card, cardboard crafts, origami animals, etc. You can see my work sample From my platform Jarine's Crafty Creation. I already made a total of 750+ Paper Craft items in my career. Also, I have an expert team to make the origami paper craft video. I assuring you that you will get complete rights to use the craft videos as your own property.

You will get in my service-

  • Full HD Video (1920x1080)
  • Copyright Free Music will be added
  • 2-3 Thumbnails (Text will also be added)
  • 100% fresh & copyright-free content suitable for monetization
  • Ready-made content (No need to use an editor)
  • English Subtitles (Only for extra service)
  • Attach Intro-outro & Logo with video
Also, you will get-
  • On-Time Delivery
  • Extra Fast Delivery
  • Neat & Clear Format
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed
If you want clarification about your inquiry feels free to message me.

Thanks a lot,
Kalim Uddin

What's included

Unlimited RevisionsCommercial Usage1080p Render


diy origami craft handmade craftvideo papercraft


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Quick 2 day delivery
If the seller fails to deliver the service in the specified time, the order will automatically cancel returning your funds.
Add English Subtitles in the video 1 days $5

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