
Does updating a Google Plus page regularly help to increase rankings?

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Does updating a Google Plus page regularly help to increase rankings?

Google Plus has become an important and helpful tool for many. Apart from being just another social media platform, it is also a great tool for SEO purposes. When you update a Google Plus page on a regular basis, will it help you to increase search ranking?


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That's a good question. I have a few google plus pages for my websites (one for each site) and I don't update them very often but see a decent ranking increase just by having the page. Now I update them maybe once or twice a month, but that's not very much since I could be posting 100 times a day Does updating a Google Plus page regularly help to increase rankings?

I would think that google plus pages would be a good source of traffic from Google since it's their own platform and I'm sure the PR and on page optimization is up to their standards. You know, because they set the pages templates the way they want ;)

Google plus is also a good place to get some high quality traffic. Not too many people target Google plus because it couldn't compete with facebook when it was launched. But there are still tens of millions of people who use it every month. I've pulled a few good leads from Google plus when I was pretty active on there. I was doing more than just posting though, I was actually using as the social platform it wants to be lol. Do some research on who you're targeting and you can make a pretty good list to target.



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About two months ago, I create a Google Plus page for my website and updated it regularly after reading an article about it. Apparently, it helps increase your rankings if you link back to content from your website on your Google Plus page. I personally didn't see any increase in traffic but I did see some increase in rankings. However, at the same time I have also been doing some link building so I am not sure which one played a bigger role in the increase. I personally think it does play a role in increasing your SERP but it won’t do much by itself. However, using multiple combinations such as website optimization, Google Plus and backlink building will probably work well.

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Isn't it a nofollow link? I'm pretty sure it shouldn't affect ranking at all, just like all social media links don't count. It does help get your link indexed faster and if people search for your unique brand and if your website is linked to your Google+ page, it will show the Google+ snippet on the right side search results.

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It may be nofollow but you still need a good mix of nofollow and dofollow in your linking structure.

There are theories that nofollow social profiles still help in the rankings. It's similar to how a person goes to a news website, sees your logo, logs off but remembers your website because of the logo. Google most likely gives no follow social profiles and business pages a boost since you'll be managing them yourself or paying someone to do it.

Even though it may be nofollow, don't treat it like it's got a disease lol Does updating a Google Plus page regularly help to increase rankings?

Benefits of a Google Plus page:
  • It's easy to rank most Google Plus pages if you have the right content on them.
  • It may be nofollow, but it will help in the long run by bringing in traffic from the page itself.
  • It helps index your links whether they be blog posts, direct links to your website, press releases, etc.

Google plus has a lot of benefits that aren't seen right off the bat. Play around with your page and see what you come up with. I know I love my pages since they will sit there and age while sending me leads every month because I treat them like my own website and build backlinks to them in order to rank for the same keywords I'm getting my main site ranked for ;)



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This is something I need to consider because I don't have any Google Plus pages. I do use Google+ and share my contents on my Google + once in a while. In my experience, Google + has two main benefits, provide your social signals and generate traffic. Social signals are important for search engine ranking. I did not know just by having a Google Plus Page, your rank will improve.

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It looks like I have to create a Google Plus account because this is the nth time that I have come across a discussion that Google Plus has many advantages (over the popular social media) in terms of SEO capability. I believe that Google is giving Google Plus an edge over other social media sites and it is doing so in a subtle way. With the updating of the contents I guess it is important because it can affect the rankings.

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