
How do I get level 2

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How do I get level 2

I have completed 10 orders Why do not give me 2 level even after completing ten orders. Everyone help me?


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Your first completed sales make be at least 30 days old, and first withdrawal must be at least 20 days old. Level 2Level 2 users are getting serious and earning serious money. To obtain a level two status:

  • SBA Completed/Purchased/Affiliated 10 orders on time
  • SBA Have no infractions (follow the rules)
  • SBA Your email must be verified
  • SBA You must associate a phone number with your account
  • SBA Login often (once per 14 days)
  • SBA Account is at least 7 days old
  • SBA First completed sale/purchase/affiliate sale is at least 30 days old
  • SB Have a 90% rating or higher
  • S Completed one payment withdrawal that is 20 days old
  • S 72 hour or less response time
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thank you so much for youyr reply

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You are most welcome, SEOBossPro.

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