
4 easy ways to figure out if your content is going to work with your target market

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4 easy ways to figure out if your content is going to work with your target market

Whenever you start your content marketing journey, you must know if your content is even going to work with your target market.  If you don't know if it's going to work, or if you simply think it's going to, you better do some research in order to figure out if it's going to pull in the right people who would be willing to open up their wallets and make a purchase.  To do that, you need to focus on who your audience really is, where your audience is hanging out online, know what content they love to read, and always answer questions they're asking online but do it on your own website within your content.

Optimizing your content is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to content marketing, mainly because you need to keep people on your website, and engaging content will do that much more than an optimized article for everyone to read.  In this discussion, I'll be going over a few things you need to focus on if you're really getting into content marketing and you don't really know if your content is right for your audience.

Understand who your audience really is
If you're publishing content and you don't really know who your audience is, you're likely publishing your hard work for someone who isn't really that interested in reading it.  Instead, go to your competitor's blogs and see what they're writing about to and figure out which posts have the most engagement, then duplicate your competitor's success.  If you can do that, you will always have amazing content that your visitors will love.

Figure out where your audience hangs out online
We all know that you want to be the hub of engagement for your target audience, but it doesn't always work like that.  Most of the time you can figure out where your audience tends to hang out more, and it usually depends on the age range of your audience and what social media platform is preferred to them.  Facebook is becoming an older generation for people in their mid 20's to late 30's while Instagram is a place for the younger generation. 

Understand where your audience is hanging out and you can target them on those specific platforms to pull them towards your website and hopefully get a sign-up or sale 4 easy ways to figure out if your content is going to work with your target market

Know what kind of content your audience gravitates towards
Not all content is going to be little golden nuggets of information in the eyes of your audience, no matter how much time you put into researching and typing it up, that's why you need to know what they like.  If you know what your audience is going to gravitate towards, you don't have to do any testing to figure out what they gravitate towards, which save you hundreds of hours in writing and makes you money quicker.

Answer questions they are likely asking
If you know where your audience likely hangs out, you need to see what they're asking, then write up some content that answers those questions.  If you start answering those questions in the form of a blog post, you're answering hundreds of people who are just lurking and waiting for answers of their own.  Answering just one question a day can bring in thousands of potential customers over time due to your article being found through search engine results, and that's not a bad thing at all 4 easy ways to figure out if your content is going to work with your target market

In conclusion
If you're publishing great content but not understanding what works well with your audience, you're wasting your time.  You need to figure out what they want, write up some content about it, then publish it and figure out how to pull them into your blog or website.  If you get everything right, you'll have thousands of people a day coming to your website, and that will likely be enough to make you a full-time income in a few months to a year 4 easy ways to figure out if your content is going to work with your target market

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