
9 things startups need to think of when it comes to marketing

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9 things startups need to think of when it comes to marketing

When it comes to convincing people to open their wallets and purchasing what you're selling, you need to have the right marketing strategy in play.  People won't land on your website and think "Yes, I need to buy this right now!" they need to be convinced that you're the best in the industry and there's no need to leave your website right now to search for anything else.

If you can prove you're the best, without linking to your competitors or mentioning their names, you'll likely get a drastic boost in sales overnight due to people beginning to trust you solely for what you wrote on your website!

Startups are at a vulnerable point in the marketing field because one bad step can hurt your profits drastically.  You could write up a smear article about your competitor, it could go the wrong way you intended, and now you're the target for harassing a credible company.  If you don't know what you're doing, you're going to crash and burn in the beginning, luckily you've found this article and can see what you should be doing in the beginning 9 things startups need to think of when it comes to marketing

Show your benefits, don't compare
Remember when I said you need to tell people why you're better, without linking to your competitors to show them, and you will boost your sales?  Well, tell them about your benefits and why you're the best.  Show them statistics and a before and after in order to convince these people that you're the best and they should buy from you.  If you can do this, you'll boost your sales, and everyone is happier in the end 9 things startups need to think of when it comes to marketing

Always listen to your potential customers
Even if someone hasn't purchased from you it doesn't mean you should treat them like an outcast.  You should listen to them because they likely have input that should be considered, which will likely turn them into a paying customer. 

Listen to them about your products, services, website design, website flow, color scheme, etc.  They will likely voice their opinions if you ask, and then you need to take their responses to heart and edit what you can without editing your business itself.

Start marketing early on, not when everything is set up and ready
Get your feet wet when you just start, don't go all in, but get some traffic flowing as soon as your website is live.  This way you will be able to do a sort of testing and figure out what people are doing on your website and what pages they're exiting on.  If you can figure this one little thing out, you can fix it and keep people on your pages longer.

The more things you know about your website through analyzing how the people are browsing it, you'll boost your time on site and eventually your sales.

Always think outside of the box
If you're always doing what other people are saying, you're just following a script or template on how to do things.  Think outside of the box and take a chance here and there to see what happens.  People who tell you how to do something are the ones who once took a chance on something and it worked, but now everyone is hearing what they're saying and it's become common practice.

Fail early on and fix it fast
You must fail and fix, if you can't do this then you'll never be successful because you'll always have something broken.  If you can fail early on, it's actually a gift given to you by the internet gods, and this is because you don't have massive amounts of traffic and sales that could be lost during downtime.  Think about it, would you rather have a broken website and only lose $10 a day while you fix it or would you rather lose $1,000 a day and scramble to fix your website? 

Have multiple advertising campaigns for traffic sources
Never put all of your eggs in one basket and you will have a sort of traffic and sales security.  A while back I put all my eggs into the Google Adwords basket and then my account was banned for no reason (probably because I was an SEO company) and I was totally screwed.  I bounced back by adding hundreds of thousands of words of content to my website as well as focusing on other platforms that allowed PPC campaigns, but I never did get back to the profits that Adwords was bringing in 9 things startups need to think of when it comes to marketing

Always focus on your PR
When I mention PR, I'm talking about Public Relations, and you need to start working on this from day 1 if you want to be more successful at day 300 or day 3,000.  Think about it, if you're trying to do positive public relations from the first day, you're going to be much further down your success path than if you were to start 6 months or 2 years down the road.

Give your visitors a place to talk
One of the big things I've noticed is people are starting to remove from their websites is a place to let their visitors talk with each other as well as yourself.  Not very often do you find a service related website that also has an open forum for people to register and then ask questions to the community.  I'm not 100% sure why this is becoming a dead method, but it's one of the best ways to boost activity within your website as well as your sales 9 things startups need to think of when it comes to marketing

Have a reward or loyalty program
If you can, I highly suggest you offer a reward or loyalty program because they almost always work and boost sales.  You can offer someone 10% or 25% off their order if they already visited 10 times, or whatever discount and visit requirements you want to set up.  This is becoming a pretty common practice with restaurants, and it's not seen very often online, but it can be a type of system that brings in a lot of recurring clientele that keeps purchasing from you because they will eventually get a discount on something they were going to purchase anyway.

In conclusion
If you're running a startup, or plan to put on in action, you should always focus on your marketing plans because that's what brings people in as well as build your brand.  Online marketing isn't just on your website, it's on other peoples websites as well as social media platforms as well as the search engines.  Get seen in a good way and you will start the profit ball rolling in a positive way and be more successful than if you didn't implement anything I've touched on above in this discussion 9 things startups need to think of when it comes to marketing

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Tommy Carey


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