
Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!

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Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!

When you're publishing content on your blog, you're essentially creating a potential to make a sale.  Not all of your posts will result in a flood of leads, but after you accumulate enough of them, you should see a steady stream of highly targeted traffic coming in and that usually results in an increase in sales.  Your blog can help you build up your lists to a point where each newsletter you send out can be an instant sales increase because of how many people now trust you.  Yes, your blog can help you build trust among your following, so you need to use it in order to build up your website as well as build up the trust they have for you.

I have a few blogs that I post to all the time and my lists seem to trust every word I post because I never try to make money off of them.  Sure, I do make sales off of my lists and the traffic that comes in, but those sales come from my strategically placed links and banners on the sides of my blog posts and pages Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!  I reel them in with the content and they sometimes make a purchase, the more I reel in, the more chances I have at making a sale Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!

If you're not using your blog every single day, you're not doing enough marketing for your business.  Yes, blogging is a form of marketing because you're writing content that could potentially bring in a lot of sales.  And we all know that marketing is getting people to your website or business through enticing words on billboards, banners, text ads, guest posts, and even your content Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!

In this discussion I'll be going over a few things that you can do to use your blog in order to help increase your lead generation tactics Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!

Write up a mission statement
Knowing why you're doing something is always the first step you should take when blogging, designing, marketing, etc.  You can't go in the right direction if you don't have a point to get to.  It doesn't matter if you just started off blogging or you have been doing it for years, having a mission statement is something that will make you a better blogger guaranteed.

Your mission statement should go over who your target audience is, what your content strategy is, and what your core values are that drive your content writing.

Hiring some additional help
Many times we get overworked and we don't want to go write a long blog post in hopes it will bring in a lot of traffic down the road.  You could also just be a bad writer and not want to produce content because everyone will see it's low quality, but that's not a problem because there are always writers out there that will get the work done for you!

You can go one of two routes when bringing in some additional help

  1. Hiring a recently graduated journalism student - These writers will always be looking for a job, so they will likely jump on the opportunity to write for you, no matter the topics you have.  They're like a struggling artist and need money, so they will gladly come on board.  The downside of this is that they will be looking for a steady paycheck and a lot of website owners and bloggers can't afford to hire someone full time Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!
  2. Bringing on a freelance writer - There are thousands of freelancer writers out there, myself included, looking for another project to work on.  All you have to do is search for them and pick the right writer for your blog Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!

Rewrite your own content
Some people will say this is re-purposing your old content that already showed some success, but you're really just rewriting it and turning it into a new blog post.  Basically, you're targeting the same keywords but you have different titles, descriptions, and the body of the content is different but contain the same keywords.

You will only want to rewrite your past content that showed some success.  I say this because you already know what worked in the past, so why change something that was already doing well?  You'll basically be building on the success of the previous post by targeting the same keywords with a different post Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!

Show people a behind the scenes view
People always want to have a personal connection with a brand they like.  Companies always want to talk about how great their products or services are, but why not shoot a short 5 minute or less video and show people what you guys and girls do behind the scenes?

Basically, you'll be opening up the curtains and showing your visitors and followers who is running the show and how it all operates.  You can go around the office and sneak up on people who are doing work, then asking them spur of the moment questions, resulting in extremely honest reviews.  People will see your video and know the responses are honest because it's difficult to act like you're scared and excited at the same time lol Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!

Be honest in your videos because people will see this as you opening up and letting them in.  People want to feel like they're a part of your business, and if they do, you will see an increase in sales and even social media shares Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!

You can even talk about some problems you had and how you overcame them.  You don't always have to be super excited, but you should never be a Debbie downer the entire time in your video lol Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!

Have a diverse approach to everything
Having just one approach to everything is never a good thing because no two people are the same.  Your could see a great response to an ad on Facebook but almost no response to the very same ad on LinkedIn.  This is because Facebook and LinkedIn, even though they're social networks, have a very different user base.  For Facebook you will need to be more friendly and open about what you're doing or selling where as on LinkedIn you will need to show profits and statistics since the majority of people there are business owners.

Different people will react to different marketing tactics, so you will need to play around with all of the platforms to see what works best for you and your blog Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!

A good thing to practice is to share your blog posts on social platforms and see who reacts.  See what type of demographic is responding, sharing, or liking your content and then specifically target them within your ads.  This will help increase your engagement and we all know that will lead to more sales in the long run Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!

In Conclusion
If you're not using your blog to help generate leads, you're doing it all wrong.  You need to contantly be adding quality content, rewriting old posts that were successful, have a diverse approach to your marketing, show people what you're doing behind the scenes, and of course have a mission statement so you can stay on track and see where you're going along the way Your blog is great for generating leads, so use it!  Blogs are a great way to generate leads, so get out there and start using it to build up your business!

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I think guest posting and bringing new people to your blog should be one thing people can do. And another thing let new people on the blog to have some starting point. Like say having start here page definitely helps. You can see that people who are into the various blogs want one place to start something. And for that to work out properly we have to consider some of the things one can be doing for the generating leads. It takes time for that though it's not easy thing.

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It's really nice when the blogs can have such setup that can help new members to connect with the blog. Such startup webpage can enable the visitors to see what the site is all about.

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I remember the Dropbox was one to start out that way. They had only one page website. And there was a blog. And they explained the idea. And then got the funding for the same. It means there are some things that are working for the blog. And we can generate the leads for the same. So it depends on the things we can work around.

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I agree with you about guest-posting. In this way, you always have cross-traffic and a growing audience, possibly. In some ways, I guess that featuring others on our blogs is like "employing' or "hiring" them, even if we can't pay them a percentage of the profits. Guest posting can lead credibility to your site, when it is working like it should, and it can also help you gain more leads because it, through networking, should instantly expand your audience.

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I think it takes a lot of effort on the networking side. And people have to be really serious about it. Because just doing the networking for the sake of it is not a good idea. And people have to be very understanding about this. Not having a proper plan on networking leads to more of an issue. So guest posting and networking are two methods worth checking.

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True--people have to be open-minded about working with you or this whole concept won't pan out. Also, you have to make sure that you follow-up with your guests and maintain those relationships as well. A huge part of my workload, every day, is just communicating and corresponding with past, present, and possibly future clients, audiences, guest-posters, writers, etc. However, once you get these relationships set up and you establish a proper rapport with everyone, this networking thing should be pretty easy and routine.

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True that sort of process needs to be followed for sure. It may take time but it seems like doable thing. And people just have to work harder on this. And eventually it would be easier to get things going. I don't know how many people can properly set things up but it's a good start.

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Bringing people to your blog is easier said than done. I find it a difficult task to get people to read my blog because it depends on the niche. My niche is pets and I have no problem if my promotion would reach a pet lover. But when I post it in social media, there are only a few pet lovers in my network that I have to go to other venues in order to obtain more readers to my blog.

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I think pet niche requires you to collect the links from the forums. Because most of the forums have good traffic in this niche. So the best approach for you is to find the right set of the forums. And you can also get the blog links too. That may work out and in turn can help with traffic.

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Yes, I think that guest posting is a great way to share your blog with others and also benefit from the expertise of others. You can guest post on others blogs too, and it can be a reciprocal thing. I like this strategy very much.

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Guest posting works great especially for those starting out at the moment which is really nice. I used to be part of guest posting in the past on some blogs, but got busier these last few weeks.

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To hire qualified freelance writers to help out on our blog posts can be a way to lessen the burden of writing those posts ourselves on a daily and a sure way to keep the site active. I think that can contribute to having the sales boosted up as well which is really nice.

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Oh definitely, if we can hire some people who's judgment we trust in terms of getting the word out there, there is no reason not to do it. As you pointed out, it lessens the burden on us. It makes us freer to do more of the things we like to do.

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I think it is definitely time for me to erm.. maybe start a blog. I hate blogging because I have no idea what to write about. Well it is really nothing to do with hate but more so the responsibility to find new content and writing about it. I think that if I were to have a blog the content would have to be stellar.

However, the more I see other like websites in the same niche as mine they just post about what is trending, and it is obvious they are only blogging to get search engine traffic. This is a great method to gain those extra organic search visitors but I don't want my brand tarnished by blogging about the popular occurrences in my niche. Does this sound right to anyone, who knows?

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Blogging is really a portal to many money making opportunities. You could use blogging to promote a business or your skills to clients. If I just paid attention to the importance of blogging 10 years ago, probably I would have multiple sources of income today. But I believe there is still future for me in the blogosphere so I decided to take the first step which is to create my own blog site and keep on learning to produce good content.

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yea, I 'm already doing this,I guest write for blogs and create space for newbies in blogging and existing ones to write content on my blog.I think it a great way to connect with more people and have an engaging blog, surely we can definitely generate a lead through our blog if we use it wisely.

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Hiring a recent journalism graduate is a great idea. A graduate is always looking for an avenue to enhance skills and experience, by hiring a newbie, we can not only minimize our cost but also get new ideas (fresh graduates are full of ideas).
Hiring someone who has language and writing skills, but never written anything can also become a better option to acquire contents.

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One businessman talked to me last year about putting up a blog that is related to his business. His business is printing and he caters to a wide area. He said that if there is a blog that would promote his business then they can probably get more clients. At that time, I didn’t know that it was a great marketing idea since my focus was on my blog. Besides, my niche is pets so it wouldn’t make sense. It’s only now that I got the idea of putting up a blog related to the printing business.

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