
Becoming a good writer a few tips ive picked up along the way

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Becoming a good writer a few tips ive picked up along the way

Hello i have been writing on SEOClerks for a few months now and i wanted to write something about the tips i have learned in the past few weeks that are making me a better writer.

The first thing i do when i begin my writing is i clear my head i focus on nothing else but what i am about to write.

The second thing i do is make sure i am detailed with what i am writing about. I don't like to be to wordy but its important to get to the point quickly because a we all know time is money.

The third thing i do is make sure that i am in a good mood for writing. And, people don't realize it but your emotions or feelings can affect your "tone" of writing. So make sure that your in a good mood and your in a "Happy Place" when you start writing.

Another thing i do is give myself a time limit, its important to do this because its very easy to go off track or take way longer than needed to write something.

The very last thing i do when writing here on SEOClerks is i proof read it out loud. When you read out loud it gives you an idea of how your work sounds. You also find more typos when you read out loud rather than in your head.

I Want to hear about the things you do before after and during your writing. As always thank you for reading!

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For me, the biggest challenge in any writing project is not the actual writing part but the part after that - the dreaded editing. I am my own worst critic, especially when it comes to written projects and spend probably 3 times more effort editing than writing. I try to find the perfect way to say something and that takes so much effort! The problem being, sometimes the best content is actually lost in the editing process as much of the writing process is natural and spontaneous and just flows with creativity. The editor job is pretty harsh, because you have to cut all those nice lines that don't really add anything, especially if you are on a tight word count or just responsible for producing only a few paragraphs of content rather than pages.

One thing that I have found is that keeping several back up copies of previous versions of my article helps. And, this is only for big projects - those articles which are several thousand words long, versus the more informal posts that I might do.

Sometimes when searching around for just the right thing to say, I can go back into an earlier version and find some line that I had edited out and it will be just perfect!

I am not usually on a strict deadline when writing something but when I was freelance writing, that was a constant struggle for me. As I said, I like to edit things endlessly.

One thing that is useful for constant editors is to submit the work to the client ahead of time and say, "This is what i have now. What do you think so far?" and get their feedback, so that you know if you are on the right track or going in the right direction. If not, then at least you didn't wait until the end, right?

Just some things I have learned or deal with when writing. And, there is so much more! Writing is one of my favorite things to do ever! Becoming a good writer a few tips ive picked up along the way

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Awesome! Yes we can be our own worst critic sometimes. I believe that the writing you do is phenomenal and apart of that is because you spend so much time on it. You know i am very new to this writing thing in fact in high school i failed English and she bumped me up to a D just so i could pass and she didn't have to keep me another year LOL! I have been very diligent in trying to make sure my punctuation is good along with my spelling. Becoming a writer is probably one of the best Things that happened to me partly because of the money i could make as a writer but mostly because its making me smarter! As we all know with age we lose the ability to retain information but with this constant training i think ill be sharp as a tack in 30 years lol. Going back and reading after your done is a great idea! The deadline idea is just if you have a ton to write in a small period of time like me! lol then you have no choice to set a time constraint.

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Bev, I also suffer from there, not that productive to edit ever single little thing over and over until you get so tired you don't even know what's right anymore, I'm like that when it comes to big projects. I used to be like this when writing anything but I since started to slow down on my fixations and I can be more productive now.

Jkeyz, I agree on having a clear mind and focus only on the subject you are writing about. I found that I simply don't get any ideas when I'm tired, but after a good night sleep, in the morning, ideas just flow without any problems

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Oh my gosh Beverly I know exactly what you mean, so much so that I have a completely different policy to you. I write it and then I save it. I read it through once or twice and correct some spelling and grammar errors and maybe tidy up a few sentences here and there. I allow myself about an hour to do this.

Then I save it and I am not allowed to go back to it, otherwise I will spend all my time editing and making changes. I need to get a good amount of content out every day. If I don't work the way I do I will never ever publish a thing!

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For me, the worst part of writing I experience is writer's block. Sometimes I have no idea what to write about, can't form my sentences how I want them or can't think of a specific word to use. I hate writer's block because it lasts until you don't have it anymore, basically. Most of the time if I get writer's block I won't write anything for awhile then try again and see if it is still there.

Sometimes I am also very critical of my own writing, and think that what I am writing is stupid. I also think to myself "who wants to read what I am writing anyways". Or think that it's a waste of time entirely. We are our own worst critics, that's for sure.

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Oh awesome Jkeyz2, I am going to take your tip of reading my content out loud before I publish. I get so annoyed with myself because I always read my content a good few times before I publish it to check for any grammar and spelling mistakes. I hardly ever pick any up... then my mom reads my blog and sends me a list of mistakes. I just can't see them until she literally points them out to me.

I am sure that if I read out loud it could make a difference to picking up these errors. Thank you!

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Hey i hope i can help everyone. Thanks for your time

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Well i would say that you have to research your topic a lot. Not just by reading 2-3 already written articles but something more intensive, read more than 5 minutes and be sure that you fully understand what you read.

Many times, I found myself reading something and after 10 minutes I realize that i don't remember anything I've read. Like you said, mood is an important factor in this business. Be as focused as you can and try to resist all the temptations while you are writing otherwise you might produce a poor quality article.

Sometimes, I read the article out loud just so I can hear it and rephrase parts of it.

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Good points. - I probably spend 3 times more time on anything I write due to the fact that I'm not native in English. - I personally believe that I still write decent enough to actually be able to charge people for my writing services, even though I don't really offer any. - My main business though, brand building, is all about writing content. Even though it's usually just a few sentences in a specific topic so it's quite easy to do.

That being said, I don't want to sound retarded or anything like that, but I probably spend like an average of 30 minutes on my posts on SEOClerks. Sometimes it's easier to write but it often consumes a lot of time. - That's also one of the reasons I haven't been active lately. - Other things in life literally eats all my time, but I'm starting to get a hang of things, so I'll probably be able to spend at least a few hours on SEOClerks daily shortly again. Becoming a good writer a few tips ive picked up along the way

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If you want to become a good writer, whether you write for print or online, the first thing you have to remember is to know your audience. before, you being to type, you should have your audience in your mind. Once you know your audience, it will be easier for you to write. Tone of your writing, your writing style, and the language should match with your audience. You should understand the difference between writing for children and writing for adults.
Second thing you need to remember is to know whether there are readers for your work. You have completed a great work, however, if there are no readers, the entire writing process is worthless.

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That’s a cool thing to do – clear you head before you start writing. Yeah, I agree to that because it’s mighty difficult to write when your mind is cluttered with concern. In one forum, an issue in freelancing was brought up about mothers with children. How could they concentrate in their writing jobs when they have to take care of 2 or 3 toddlers? That may be the reason why I could write faster at around early dawn because my mind is cleared of clutter since I was just up from the bed.

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