
What different features do you use in Google Analytics?

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What different features do you use in Google Analytics?

I learn as I go along with online marketing and something I started with very quickly is Google Analytics. I like to look at my traffic, like I am sure most of us do.

I quite recently learned about adding annotations which I find really helpful now, because it can help me to see what I did that might have influenced my traffic spikes and lows.

Yes I look at my traffic but I have a very strong feeling that there is a lot more that can be done with Google Analytics and that I am not nearly using it to its full potential!

I can see that I can link my Adsense account to Analytics but I couldn’t figure it out.

Can you please let me know what the main features are that I should be using and how this will benefit me?


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My favorite feature of Google Analytics is the real time statistics. I love to see exactly how many users are on my website in real time or live visitors. Another feature of Google Analytics I love is where the traffic came from. Sometimes it's interesting especially if a major news site, blog, or famous person was to link to your content. And I love to build up links, and make the links have a better position on the search engines. I also like to contact the website owner to change the text of the link so i can rank better.

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Hi Everett... oh yes that is one of my favourite things to do, sit and watch live how many people are on my website and where they came from. I can waste a lot of time doing that but it can be exciting and fun.

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With Google analytics i mostly use to check which Google search keywords getting me most of traffic, so i can work more of these. I also often check which landing pages getting most of visits, so sometime i am remaking these pages to make better conversion. And also i love to check which referrals working best after i make some backlinks to my website(s), so i could know what is worth investing more time or money investing to boost my SEO, traffic and sales. Using Google analytics can be very beneficial if you do it smart way and turn it into your daily adviser

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What about the fact that most of the organic visitors there is no information for? What is this all about? I can see some keywords but the rest are just in the "not provided" section.

I don't use landing page yet but will be doing so soon, when I learn some more about them!

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Currently i am learning about google tag manager. You can make use of those features and use it for various site codes through single dashboard. I have also used the real time stats. It's not much interesting but it's good enough to understand how it works for the analytics. I think the exit content and the events is another feature that everyone should look at. I think tracking events is not easy as of now. I'd definitely try to find a ways out of that.

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