
What's another name for someone who tweets?

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What's another name for someone who tweets?

I'm working on a project now about 'tweets' and I need a short list of interchangeable names for a person that tweets. There are only so many times I can use the phrase 'Twitter celeb' without it becoming redundant. I've considered 'tweeter', but is that even a term or phrase that anyone would recognize? Ideally, these names/terms would be recognizable by a general audience. Any help on this matter would be appreciated.


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Hi Beverly,

This is a good question. I have been on Twitter for a while now and have heard people use the term “Twitterer”. If you are referring to someone who is new to Twitter, you can also refer to them as a “Twewbie” which is a slang for new users. Another term is “Tweeple” which doesn’t really refer to people who tweet but more like members of Twitter. I am not sure how many Twitter users are familiar with these words though but hope this helps. “Tweeter” is probably the most widely used though but I think these ones still has some value.

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Hey Beverly,
I stumbled across something a while back and I'll share it with you here. This might not be the "exact thing" you're looking for, but perhaps this can be useful in some way.
twead: to read a tweet from a fellow twitterer.

tweepish: feeling sheepish or regretful about something you tweeted.

tweeple: Twitter people, Twitter members, Twitter users.

tweeps: Twitter people that follow each other from one social media/network to another.

tweetaholism: the continued use of Twitter as an addiction that is difficult to control.

tweetaholic: someone addicted to Twitter, so much so that it may be an actual problem.

tweet-back: bringing a previous tweet conversation or reference back into the current conversation.

You can find the article here:
Twitterspeak: 66 Twitter Terms

Best Regards

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The first thing that came to my mind was twat.. just my sick sense of humor. I don't think that is usable though.

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Oh this is interesting. I guess I would stick with Tweeters, or Twitterers, or maybe Tweeties especially for the beginners.

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