
Does your web host offer Softaculous or Fantasico scripts?

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Does your web host offer Softaculous or Fantasico scripts?

My last web host offered Fantastico scripts for auto install of blogs, forums, social networking sites, etc. Though I've heard from others that Softaculous is the superior auto-install script software. Which do you prefer, Softaculous or Fantastico?


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My current web hosting company offers Softaculous. The only catch is they limit the number of auto-install blogs you can have with Wordpress. So you have to install the rest on your own.

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Softaculous scripts are standard for most web hosts. If you are signing up for paid web hosting, you should insist on an auto install script, otherwise you're not getting your money's worth.

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Yes offering Softaculous which have more scripts then Fantasico

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Mine uses Quick Install, I have a dedicated server so I get to choose really Does your web host offer Softaculous or Fantasico scripts?

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My web host offers Softaculous. I have never used, not even heard of fantasico.

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