
How many keywords can you have on a page?

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How many keywords can you have on a page?

How many keywords can you have on a page before it's considered keyword stuffing? Or how many times can you repeat keywords?

Also, what about the situation where your site name/title/description, menu links and various tags on each page contain the exact same keywords as those featured in your on page article content? Would that take you over the top on keyword usage?


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Personally, I target 2 or 3 keywords per page, this works good for me.

If you are targeting many keywords then it will be confusing and you won't be able to focus on the subject.

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If I were you I would only target one keyword per page. Keeping this consistent will help you rank higher in search engine. I think they call it search engine marketing. My advise, place the keyword in the:
  • Link string
  • Title
  • Start you description off with the keyword if you can
  • <h> tags
  • Body of your paragraph.

I found out that SEO has a structure which includes all the things listed above and in the body of each paragraph. There are 6 <h> tags and I would try to use them all of them. Search engines also like to see link text so try to place one in the first sentence of the first paragraph.

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I having 10 to 12 keyword is it ok

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Not for search engine marketing.

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I have found your site to be quite useful. Keep updating your site with in valuable information... Regards

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