
What are search engines looking for?

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What are search engines looking for?

We all know that we need a great site in order to get that high ranking we all so badly crave, but what exactly is the search engine looking for when it sends out spiders to crawl your page? Here is a list that you might want to make sure you have in check so the spider can effectively crawl your page.

  • Great content that is 100% unique. Never, under any circumstances, copy material from any site unless you are going to quote someone. Always give credit where credit is due. Realize that the more unique content that you have on your page, the better.
  • The user experience. Will the user have a positive or negative experience when they visit your site? Does the page load fast? Will there be a high bounce rate? Is the site too crowded? Will the site be safe or does it look unsafe? A search engine is not going to like it if the site looks unsafe to a user. The spider will also look to see if the site is easily navigated. Is there a site map? Can one easily get back to the home page?
  • Does everything on your site work?
  • Proper use of keywords. There should be no keyword stuffing, which means using your keyword or key phrases more than necessary.

Making sure that you have everything in order so the spider can crawl it and then go back to the search engine to place your site in the database is crucial. We all so badly want that number one spot, and it can be obtained if we work hard and know what the spider wants to see!


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Very good advice. Another thing you will want to do on your blog or site is to update often. Fresh content is the life blood of the internet. This is not usually a problem on forums where members provide the content.

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Yes wonderful article here for some sound advice. Beverly is also correct in stating you want to add to it. Search engines will visit the site again, or rather send their spiders out to see if new info has been added.

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Based on the readings I have done with the discussions on this forum, search engines are looking for the SEO of the website. First is the fresh content which indicates that the website is current and active. Stagnant websites have no fresh contents and they get a low ranking when it comes to search engines evaluation. Next is the keywords and the backlinks that you scattered in the internet. Not to be forgotten is the layout and design of your website. I’m just not sure if the fonts and color are also evaluated.

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