
seo update rule

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seo update rule

It’s been a busy few years for the engineers at Google; not only have we had the much-discussed Penguin and Panda updates, but last year brought us the biggest update we’ve seen since 2001. So what does Hummingbird mean to SEO? Why did it come about and is it likely to hit your site as hard as the Penguin/Panda updates did.

It’s pretty safe to say that if you haven’t been affected by the update already, then you can breathe easily, so long as you stick to the rules. Hummingbird was released very quietly in August 2013 and most site owners didn’t notice a difference.


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I don't understand, is there a question you have or did you just copy/paste from here?

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It’s been a busy few years for the engineers at Google; not only have we had the much-discussed Penguin and Panda updates, but last year brought us the biggest update we’ve seen since 2001. So what does Hummingbird mean to SEO? Why did it come about and is it likely to hit your site as hard as the Penguin/Panda updates did.

It’s pretty safe to say that if you haven’t been affected by the update already, then you can breathe easily, so long as you stick to the rules. Hummingbird was released very quietly in August 2013 and most site owners didn’t notice a difference.

What do you exactly want to know?

Hummingbird Update: It is a small update not like penguin/panda.
It is intended to make the web better & to show the relevant quality content to the user. Minimum n.o of sites are affected by hummingbird; which has poor thin content.

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Google Hummingbird update is used to improve the search quality. This update help the searching tools to remove the website which have low quality content and provide the priority to the website having high quality content.

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I have been reading about Google updates such as the names of animals like panda which is mentioned here. My take on the updates is to avoid illegal means of SEO methods so that your site will stay safe regarding violations and possible suspensions. There are some people who want to cheat and that cheating can cause them big money as a consequence. The legitimate SEO methods are not that hard to do and we just spend time for it and some perseverance so we will be on the right track all the time.

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