
Seasonal Adsense earnings

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Seasonal Adsense earnings

Do you earn more from Adsense during some season, than others? For instance, maybe you have a seasonal themed site. If so, are Adsense earnings greater during your target season? Or, are they similar year round?


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Last year, I started a very popular Halloween blog. The clicks were very good during the entire month of October. But since then, clicks are down to almost nothing

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According to a friend who is a professional blogger, the Christmas season is the off season for blog earnings because people are busy with shopping and social activities hence they don’t have much time for reading blogs. Another off season is summer, understandably so because summer is vacation time where people prefer the outdoor than the internet. And the peak season is the rainy season maybe because people are confined in their homes so it is a good time to read blogs.

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With my blogs I noticed more clicks during winter and rainy season.I believe people are more in doors then and turning to the go for succour at least something to while away time with and my bounce rate increases during vacation and Summer.I assume people are always on the go and hardly have time for blogs which means lesser clicks and visits

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In December, I saw 500 percent growth in my adsense earnings. I believe if you publish on seasonal topics, you will earn more during the season. However, when the season ends, you will see substantial decline in the earnng. Therefore, it is better to have evergreen content and make stable income.

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