
can i use my affiliate link with in my service ?

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can i use my affiliate link with in my service ?


I am a level-3 seller here in Seoclerks but i have 0 affiliate member under me.
so i have lots of question regarding affiliate but 1st question is
Can i use my affiliate link with in my service description if yes its better i will add but still have a doubt
if a person is already a member of Seoclerks than there is no meaning of that link ?
how can i use that link it will beneficial for me or not ?

please reply me


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You can add your affiliate ID to any service link, including yours. And yets it is beneficial for you, but only if those people signup through that link, if they are already seoclerks members than its no use. For example: Just enter your ID to service links like in the example. You can find your ID under the Affiliate tab.

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You can add your affiliate ID to any service link, including yours. And yets it is beneficial for you, but only if those people signup through that link, if they are already seoclerks members than its no use. For example: Just enter your ID to service links like in the example. You can find your ID under the Affiliate tab.


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No problem mate can i use my affiliate link with in my service ? Good luck with the affiliates!

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I think the best way is to promote your services via affiliate link to other social pages you have so that people who doesnt know about seoclerk will also find it helpful and signup when they see lots of good services here . They will definitely purchase and you will also get some commission as seoclerks pays some % on each affiliate sale .
I hop you will find this post helpful Thanks

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You can add your affiliate link to your service pages in hopes that someone who finds your listing via Google search or other site will click through on your link and join. If they find your service page and then just click through to order without having come through an affiliate link, then they will not be added to your downline and you won't earn commissions off that person.

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Yes you can add your affiliate link with your service its possible.

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Yes off course and You will also get paid for that means if your aff will buy your service. You will get 10% aditional

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