
Where do you place advertising on your forum?

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Where do you place advertising on your forum?

Do you put the advertising on the home page, above the menu links? Or, do you place ads in the footer? Where do ads go on your forum? And, which place works best for ad placement?


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The best location for advertising is top of the forum. This ad space sells for the most money on a forum.

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Top of the page would be the best in my eyes as well. I do not think that if they are at the bottom of the page then are looked at as much.

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I don't mind advertising in the side bar or header of the forum, so long as it's done discreetly.

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I don't mind advertising in the side bar or header of the forum, so long as it's done discreetly.

vBulletin and Xenforo forums usually have a place on the home page side bar, but this is not usually available in MyBB or SMF themes. Very unfortunate as that advertising space usually sells for a lot of money.

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Footer links were very popular to sell for awhile but I no longer see them being offered now.

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I sold my signature line on my own forum once and that was a popular option for advertising.

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