
Social SEO Explained: The True Relationship Between Social Media and Ranking

Social SEO Explained: The True Relationship Between Social Media and Ranking

If you're trying to handle your marketing in a way that counts, you need to truly understand the importance of social media and ranking. 

The social aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) is more important than ever, and understanding the blending of these two worlds will help you as you move forward with any marketing plans.

Below we'll dive into these points, which are useful no matter what industry you're in.  

Read on to learn more about social SEO and its importance for your long-term marketing strategies. 

The Truth About Social Media, Social SEO, and Ranking

It's important that you learn the true relationship between social media and ranking. Today, there are more than 3 billion social media users worldwide, which is nearly half the planet. 

Since this is the next evolution of the internet and since close to 75 percent of web users in a few years will exclusively access the web on their smartphones, you need to be considering social-first when trying to improve your SEO. 

Having a long-term SEO plan is essential when you're trying to grow your company.

Consider the points below to learn more about the truth about social media and ranking:

1. Content is King -- So Make Inspiration and Information Your Aim

Without a question, quality content is the most important asset that you have when trying to improve your ranking. 

Identify the most important attributes of your brand and use as many social media platforms as you can to tell that story.

For instance, if you have a fitness and wellness brand that started because you got into shape after getting a diabetes diagnosis, there are several ways to communicate all different aspects of that story. 

Your YouTube channel can be used to vlog about your journey or to give walk-throughs for workouts and recipes. You can build your community on Facebook, and share snippets of your day to day life on Instagram and IGTV. 

Building a blog can also be profitable and useful marketing, regardless of what industry you're in, and can serve as a hub for all your social media activity. Posting every day not only builds a following but also helps your search engine ranking. 

The less static your website is the greater Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) you'll have. 

2. Profiles For Social Media Platforms Get Great Rank

Having quality social media profiles will help your rank right now. 

When people search for brands, a social media profile is often the first result. Getting this level of visibility is essential to your brand, and also provides a personal touch that creates the best first impression. 

Use a quality headshot or other photo for your profile, since it is the first time searchers will match a face with a name. Optimize your profile with keywords and quality writing, and make sure your contact information is prominent, clear, and easy to remember. 

3. Don't Forget That Social Media Platforms are Their Own Engines

Rather than shooting for Google's search engine results page (SERP) alone, make sure that you are also getting ranking in social media search dashboards. 

Every social media platform has its own search engine, and since this is where traffic is increasingly headed, it's important to work on those rankings just as much. 

Facebook, for instance, has one of the most intuitive and advanced search engines. It's also unique since it archives and categorizes the footprint of individual and business brands. You will have access to an archive of how people and businesses have communicated with the public throughout the years. 

This is a valuable tool when you want to search for a specific person within an organization, an event from the past or that is about to take place, and so much more. 

4. Ranking in YouTube Is Essential Moving Forward

Aside from Google, YouTube is the most important place to get ranked. The reason for this is that it's the second largest search engine globally. 

As a matter of fact, studies indicate that video will make up 80 percent of the internet in the coming years. When you are able to rank highly in YouTube, it also gets you more Google search engine visibility, making it a win-win. 

You should be skewing a large portion of your marketing efforts toward creating video and putting it out on YouTube. By starting a vlog and posting to it each and every week, you are doing a lot for your brand from a social standpoint, while also growing your search engine rankings. 

5. Brands Build Communities, Which Build SEO Ranking

People today gravitate to you more than ever based on a personal connection. If you can create engagement with your public, it builds you much better results than simply looking into SEO hacks. 

When you clearly build your brand and communicate it with social media, you will begin to build a community around your message. This community will start to speak with you, largely through sharing and discussing your content. 

Once you have this built-in following, they will begin to do a lot of your marketing for you.  

The Blending of Social Media and SEO

As you can see, social media and search engine optimization go hand in hand. This blend of social SEO is an essential building block for your marketing strategy moving forward, no matter what kind of business you're in.  

Consider these points and stay tuned to learn more about selling yourself through social media. 

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