
Need Book Cover Photo with this photo and an Angel fkying above it with a car

Need Book Cover Photo with this photo and an Angel fkying above it with a car

I need a book cover with this image in the background.

  1. In the foreground, an angel is seen flying with a car.
  2. The car must have five passengers who are screaming with their eyes closed
  3. The image must look natural
  4. At the foot of the image should read "SPUR TREE HILL'' in large prints for the title
  5. in smaller letters should read "Warner Williams'


Designers must follow three steps

  1. Submit a bid for the work
  2. Once accepted, must show an initial design of the angel and the car
  3. once approved integrate the two images and the titles

Skills Required

design Photo editing


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sure, just let me know what you'd like me to comment on, and i'll help you craft a want to work from home please approver i need honestlywork.

i will create a book cover with car flying with passengers screaming
and all what you need.
if you are interested please d'ont hesitate to contact me for more.

Bid On Listing Created 6 months ago in Design

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