
1000 U.S. Likes and 3000 U.S. Follows

1000 U.S. Likes and 3000 U.S. Follows

I would like 1000 Real UNITED STATES likes dripfed over a duration of 10 days to these Facebook pages. Meaning I want LIKES and FOLLOWS everyday, on all accounts. I want them to appear organic and NOT appear all at once. - 40 likes a day for 10 days - 400 likes - 30 Likes a day for 10 days - 300 likes - 30 Likes a day for 10 days - 300 likes

total= 1000 likes

I would also like a 3000 REAL UNITED STATES follows drip-fed over a duration of 10 days to these 3 pages. I want them to appear organic and not appear all at once. Meaning I want 100 Follows per day for 10 days. - 100 Follows a day for 10 days = 1000 follows - 100 Follows a day for 10 days = 1000 follows - 100 Follows a day for 10 days = 1000 follows

total= 3000 Follows


Must be completed exactly as stated above.

Skills Required

Facebooktraffi Facebook Facebooklikeso Twitterfollowa Twitter


1000 u.s. likes and 3000 u.s. follows on your page/profile

give u real usa 1000 likes within 2 days.100% permanent and insight and maul likes with lifetime grunted....................!!!

give u real usa 1000 likes within 2 days.100% permanent and insight and maul likes with lifetime grunted....................!!!

80 usa likes & 200 usa follows. delivered in 2 days (40 likes to each page and 100 follows per profile, per day).

Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Social Networks

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