
Google + 100 votes for $1

Google + 100 votes for $1

Need 100 votes on Google+ for dating site.
More votes are better
Ready to pay $1 for the work
Preferable countries of the votes: USA, Canada, UK, Australia ( other English-speaking countries)
Non-dropped and verified voters is a must.
Interested in long-term cooperation

If you do manual high PR links or "Paul & Angela style" links? ready to discuss that also


Need 100 votes on Google+ for dating site.
More votes are better
Ready to pay $1 for the work
Preferable countries of the votes: USA, Canada, UK, Australia ( other English-speaking countries)

Skills Required



i will provide you 100 google+ votes for your dating site @ 1$

dear sir,

i am a professional google+ provider.

i can provide you 100+ google+ votes.

no single votes will drop.

if drop,i will pay you 5 extra g+ votes per 1 drop.

i am ready to start.

just order me.

thank you,

Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Social Bookmarks

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