
Mobile App Completion submission using Siberian

Mobile App Completion submission using Siberian

We have built an mobile app using Siberian. We have a Google developer and Apple Developer account to submit App to both.

I am stuck with some issues creating the apk file and file for Apple.

I need someone that knows Siberian and how to submit app to stores.

Once again, the app is already designed. Just need it tweaked to submit.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not respond with "I'll give it a try" or "give me a chance". Only want submissions from those who know how to get this done.


Knows how to use Siberian.

Knows how to submit apps to Google Play and Apple.

Knows how to troubleshoot to find issues with app submission.

Skills Required

siberian app android appleOS


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Bid On Listing Created 12 months ago in Other

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