
Can sellers give their customers a positive rating/thumbs up?

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Can sellers give their customers a positive rating/thumbs up?

Hi, I have made some sales here on SEO clerks and have some regular customers from the transactions who give me great reviews and positive ratings. I would like to return the favor for their generosity but dont know how to go about it. Is there a way I can do this so that it shows up in their profiles?


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You can only REPLY to them, but you can't vote if you think they are serious buyers or not! But reply to them is a good way to keep them as clients as long as another good idea is to follow them no matter they are not using this to offer something! ;)

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no......... sellers can not give their customers a positive rating/thumbs up...........
but, you can give them reply to keep them as your clients.........
and you can also follow them.............

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no sellers cant thumbs up or thumbs down.
sellers only can reply and give thanks they for comments..
and you can send your costumer personal message with thank too.
you cant thuumbs up or thumbs dow n them

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Yes . In new SEOClerks there is a feature called ?RECOMMENDATION  . The seller can leave a good or bad response on thier public profile only if he / she have purchased something from you or you have purchased something from him / her .
Can sellers give their customers a positive rating/thumbs up?

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In the old version feature its not possible but in this new version you can give your buyer a positive or negative rating,its a good development because when you get negative rating from your buyer you have chance of defending your self so that other buyer might reason with you

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