
Why SEO never works out the way you planned it.

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Why SEO never works out the way you planned it.

Whenever I'm talking with a client about their SEO, I will always tell them that it may not work out how they expect it to. People will sign up for a monthly SEO service with the expectations of getting #1 rankings overnight, and it simply just does not work like that. Unreal expectations are one of the main reasons I lose clients, it's not because of the slower ranking increase. On the other hand, SEO campaigns sometimes do the opposite and rank a lot of our clients keywords with very little work and they are ecstatic and want to share it to the world lol.

SEO is fickle and it will never go exactly as planned because we don't work on the algorithm team for Google. Face it, if we knew the exact method in order to rank a website in the quickest amount of time then we'd all be millionaires Why SEO never works out the way you planned it. We can only learn through trial and error in order to learn everything first hand and also learn from what our friends have experienced with their own test runs.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel that we sometimes don't expect. Plenty of times I've been working on SEO campaigns for clients and I just couldn't get their rankings to budge for 3 to 6 months and the client starts questioning if we're actually doing anything. We would do content generation for their own pages as well as content marketing as well as an extensive backlinking campaign from high quality websites, but nothing seemed to budge. This particular client I'm talking about wasn't even in a difficult niche, but we couldn't crack the first page for some reason. I actually thought there was a major algorithm change on the horizon or I may have just lost my touch and didn't know what I was doing. I doubted myself at this point and I thought I was defeated. I had planned on refunding the last 3 months of the clients campaign but out of no where we saw a slight movement in a positive direction. About 2 weeks after the movement the clients keywords were now sitting between 1 and 8 for almost everything! What was funny is that my client called me ever 20 minutes when they logged into their tracking software and noticed the spikes. I didn't even know what they were calling about because I hadn't gotten online yet, I just assumed they were calling to complain and ask for a refund lmao. After talking to them and hearing the happiest client I've ever had, I was reassured that I knew what I was doing and in the end it was actually Google being the problem. I did everything right but Google somehow missed my clients website or was doing some updating, but we'll never know lol.

The story I just told is a prime example of why SEO never works out the way you planned it. You can do loads of work and not see any type of results besides natural movement up and down on page 25 like a bobber when fishing. It will move slightly but not do anything drastic, and we all know that not being on page 1 will result in almost zero sales.

On the other hand, you can do everything right according to all of the search engines and still not see anything positive. You could actually think you're running your campaigns perfectly but then Google did a tiny little update and screwed up your process. Staying on top of the algorithm updates will keep your websites extremely safe but you may not see a huge spike in rankings in a quick amount of time. But staying safe will always bring you long term rankings and not keep you worrying about your rankings when a major algorithm update does come around.

If you're worried about your rankings after a long SEO campaign, don't increase your linkbuilding just yet. Keep doing the same thing and watch your long tailed keywords since those will be the first indicators of your SEO campaigns beginning to work. But again, if you're in the boat I was in, you may not see drastic movements for your very long tailed keywords until everything starts to move. I'm not sure exactly why this happens, and it's pretty rare from what I've read and talked about, but it can happen.

In Conclusion
Stay on top of your SEO campaigns if you know you're doing everything right. Talk with your friends in the field and see what they think about it and ask them if you should change anything up. If they say to change it all because of an algorithm update, then you SEO strategy is outdated, but if they say it looks fine, it's probably Google putting you in SEO limbo Why SEO never works out the way you planned it. Keep at it and you'll be rewarded over time Why SEO never works out the way you planned it.

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Some websites and niches are just easy while others are incredibly difficult to rank.
At the agency I work, I generally prefer new projects which I can start building a strategy for myself right from the very start. I can't stretch how important the brand name to my clients. They always have this wild crazy name ideas that are always highly difficult to rank because they'll get together with a lot of brands that have high authority build over years of experience.

I always try to make them understand they need a unique brand name, this will make my job a lot easier further down the road but also help them get organic traffic on their brand name keyword from the very start. If you are choosing a brand name that which search results return a Wikipedia page, a quora page, a Wallstreet journal article and some other high authority site, you definitely need to re-think your brand name! You won't going to rank in the first place with a brand new website!

So once I have a unique brand name things usually go easy. I start ranking for the brand name on the first position, the client is pleased because he can find himself on Google and I usually move to the next stages, ranking for main keywords and slowly increasing its organic traffic every month.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, I'll get clients with old websites that are just a mess, they usually need a re-design and a move to a more suitable platform, but for some reason they all want to keep that platform full of bugs and problems, no to mention the titanic work I'll have to put in to fix all the Search Console problems that gathered over the years.
These are the clients I hate because, after months of working and optimizing I have very little results to show for, the real SEO work starts after I cleaned the errors and updated the on-page structure and optimization. And the worst thing about all of this is that the client doesn't get all that, he wants fast results and as more time passes he gets more and more impatient.

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Doing SEO does not mean, your bad content will be ranked #1. SEO does not your bad content gets very high traffic. SEO increases the chances of getting ranked higher and getting constant traffic. Remember, I said increasing the chances, not a guarantee.
SEO means optimizing, making the content appropriate, for the search engines. In other words SEO means brushing content and making them ready for search engines.
I see a lot of confusion about SEO. People seem to believe that you have done SEO and now they will be ranked higher and get traffic. SEO does not work this way.

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I have been reading a lot of discussions that SEO campaign is not instant when it comes to result. That means you can get your ranking higher when you do SEO campaign today but not tomorrow, not next week or not even next month. It depends largely on the algorithm of the search engine that we will never know because that is their secret. But definitely, what you do today for the SEO capability of your website will reap good results in the days to come. You just have to be patient.

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