
What's out there for automated social media?

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What's out there for automated social media?

So I have some ecommerce sites and I am
looking for a program that I can use that may help with making one post to several social media outets? Any suggestions for this or any other type of service pertaining to social media is greatly appreciated!


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Pushing the same exact post to every social media website won't work as well as you think it will. Cristian actually posted a pretty good topic HERE about how one post might work on one platform but bomb on another.

As for automating, I would highly recommend hootsuite. It may not be as automated as you like because it's more of a social media management tool, but you should definitely check it out.

Hootsuite lets you be logged into your social media platforms at the same time and you can post to all of them through one interface, which is extremely convenient. You can post to your own profiles and pages, not to groups. If they set something up to post to groups then I'm sure they'd get an explosion in sales but it would be quickly followed by angry social media platforms because of all the spam lol What

Not only can you post to your pages, you can respond to comments and messages sent to you through the platform. Another great feature of hootsuite is that you can schedule your posts so that you don't actually have to be behind your computer typing up content. You can write up 10 posts and have them go out every 3 days in order to cover the entire month. You can't automate your responses to comments I don't think. But even if you did, it wouldn't be a good idea to do so since your auto responses would be canned and very general. You'd want to log into your platforms and actually comment back with detailed info so people can see you're involved.

Just remember, customer service goes a long way What

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Thanks Razzy! That's actually more on the lines of what I am looking for to help streamline things!

Some more questions I have though is say for Facebook can I log in and out of my other pages, not accounts but pages? I ask cause of having several pages that I would like to maintain!?!? By the sounds of it I imagine you could but better to ask!

as for other platforms is it just about the same for logging in and out?

with the scheduled posting is it capable of posting pictures and etc?

i can't agree more on customer service! I couldn't imagine an auto response working out to well and generalized posts either.

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I use Mass Planner because not only can it send out scheduled content to multiple social networks but it can also do so much more than that.

You can set it to find groups on Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Plus and join them based on keywords. You can follow and unfollow people on Twitter and Instagram which means you can grow your following on complete autopilot.

In addition to that you can get it to check out people's profiles on LinkedIn so people see you more and connect with you. You can set it to comment, like, retweet and do so much more on social networks so that more people see you...

It is cheap too, so I suggest you have a look at it.

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Thanks Lynne, do you know if this is something that can maintain let's say 2 accounts of each type of social media?

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Never mind I looked closer and seen it does lol!

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I would recommend using You can create a "recipe" that says, if one of my tweets includes the hashtag #li then post to LinkedIn. This way you can selectively choose what to cross post and have it completely automated.

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I'm using HootSuite, you can connect to your different social media through this tool.It will give you real-time report and outline your different activities report

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