
Do you think social media affects how people act?

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Do you think social media affects how people act?

i don't mind social networks I really don't , but I feel as if from time to time I run into those people who let the social media aspect of life get to them. People really go above and beyond for social networks , so my question is when does it become more then business or more then a social outlet . I think personally some people tend to over feed themselves with social media, and in doing so can potentially set themselves back . A bad ego can really ruin a relationship whether social or business it's always best to come with an open mind.


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Lately, I'm been having a really big problem with social networks and mobile phones in general. Virtually all of my friends are on their phone almost the whole time we are out.
This is very freaking frustrating, nobody talks with each other anymore and we stopped having fun. Everyone is on their phone doing whatever...

I suggested a no phone rule for going out but each one of them found some form of excuse to keep on using the smartphone.

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When I'm on a social network I try to have a business account and a personal account. With facebook you can have both combined into your one profile so that's pretty nice. With facebook pages you can basically have a corporate entity on their platforms since you can respond on your page, as your business.

Now on twitter I think I have a social profile for every website that is live. Even if I don't plan on using the account, I have it there so no one can take the name later on if the website becomes popular lol.

I use to use hootsuite to manage all of my social platforms for each website I have. It worked pretty well until I got busy and just couldn't post as much as I'd have liked to.

When using a social platform under your business name you'll have to be nice no matter what. You can deal with angry people pretty easily by getting their back story and trying to correct it. I know from personal experience that wanting to blow up on a client is something you want to do, but you have to restrain yourself. I had a client go to facebook and post that I was just scamming him because he wasn't ranked #1 for his keyword. A person I've never talked to actually responded to his post and asked how long we were doing the SEO campaign and what keywords he was trying to rank for. The client responded that they had only been working with me for 1 month and his keywords were "business credit" and "business loans". This the exact time the good citizen told the guy he was an idiot because something like that would take a minimum of 6 months to see anything positive and that we would never agree to rank him in just 1 month for those keywords. The guy then responded with "They said it would take 30 days!" and then I posted a screenshot of my email saying it would take 6 to 12 months to see page 1 rankings lmao Do you think social media affects how people act? I never talked to the good samaritan after that day, but I wish I would have because he would have gotten a few months of free SEO Do you think social media affects how people act?

I probably would have lost my cool if I was the one responding to this guy right away, but luckily I was asleep when this was going on lol Do you think social media affects how people act?

People need to remember to separate themselves from their business and not put personal emotions into it.

Also, the customer isn't always right Do you think social media affects how people act?

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If you have a business I suggest to keep it off your personal account. Business matters should not be mixed up with personal matters. It will also allow you to look and act more professionally if you make a distinction between the two.

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Oh my Jkeyz2 what a great discussion!

Yes there are some people that just should not be on social media at all. Unfortunately there are loads of people that think because they are on the internet and not face to face that they can be more rude to people. Maybe they think that because they are not face to face they can do what they like? Or maybe it is because they don't know the people they are being rude to?

I know someone that moved to a new area and joined all sorts of Facebook groups only to start being rude and causing trouble with everyone in the area. Then she wondered why she was not welcomed into the community, why even people she said she hadn't even met were rude to her. She had her name and her photo on social media, dissing everyone in sight and wonders why people are touchy with her.

With business I think it is even more important to behave yourself online in your personal capacity and your business. In fact every person should stick to online etiquette... very often when applying for a job now the company will look at your social media profiles. If you have been trolling away or maybe having Facebook spats with your ex for example this is not going to be good is it?

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Sometimes people feel at liberty to treat others badly on social media sites because they can hide behind a computer with no direct contact with the person. However be it fun or business it is not wise to treat anybody differently online just because they are not in the same room with you lol! Treat everybody as if they were standing right in front of you is the safe method in my book. Not to mention you always leave a paper trail online which cannot be easily erased.

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Social media has a great power over people's perception. Social media affects how people think, how people act. People who have influencing power, for instance, a social activist, a politician, use social media to reach wide people and they are able to deliver their message.
Business also reaches their customer base through social media. That's why these days every product are marketed through social media.

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My observation on my friends tell me that people are greatly affected by social media. Relationships are made or broken, friends are acquired or lost and businesses are started, all because of social media. Behavior are changing particularly the quiet type of person who now have the temerity to regularly post their rants. It seems that social media is changing the society.

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I think social media affects how people think and react to different news and situations considering the fact that I've been watching my friends close and discovered that their actions on Facebook and other social media sites are as a result of what they read and think on these sites. So, nowadays, social media has gotten some grip on how people react to situations.

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