
What mean if someone asked to be friend in google+ and not active

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What mean if someone asked to be friend in google+ and not active

My google+ not active and not use it along time ago and i got sometimes someone try to be a friend and share with me i always block it and back with another account. What does that mean?


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I think they are trying to spam you. If someone you don't know friend requests you then either they want to scam you, spam you, or are just nosy and want into your business. I don't accept request from people I don't know professionally, or personally and you shouldn't either just to be safe. If they keep it up you could file a report to Google, however I'm not sure if much would be done so you'll probably just have to keep blocking them until they stop, if they stop.

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I agree with Mike here, surely the more people that follow you on Google plus the better? I understand how you wouldn't want anyone adding you as a friend on Facebook if you don't know them. When this happens on Facebook it is someone trying to hit on me (yes it happens), someone trying to scam me, someone trying to spam me or some nosy bugger.

I don't accept any friend requests of people I dont know on Facebook simply because that is my personal profile with my personal things. On all other social networks I am happy if loads of people follow me because those are all for business only.

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Don't waste your time with whoever wants to connect because if it's important he should have called or message you by now. Most probably it's only spam, even I am getting a lot of mail lately from people who thinks that they can dupe me in clicking their link.
There's still someone using Google+? I gave up on that platform years ago. It's useless and a waste of time.

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This is similar to the hundreds of friend requests that I receive in my Facebook account. I always check the new friend requests by clicking on the name or profile picture so I will see his account. Most of those requests have an inactive account. The last post was last year. And what does that mean? He wants to connect with me but he doesn’t post anything so what do I get from his account? Nothing. But he gets something from me since I consider myself active in Facebook with my posts.

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