
Apparently Mobile Searches reached 60 percent!

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Apparently Mobile Searches reached 60 percent!

So a study done by Hitwise reports that today's mobile use for searching stuff online has reached 60 percent!
Food and beverages have a whopping 72% mobile searches while the most non-searched industry on mobile is Banking (people don't trust mobile that much yet).

This is really huge, thing is Desktop searches had also increased in the last few years, but slowly which shows more and more people are using smartphones. So apparently mobile isn't taking away from Desktop yet, but I bet at one point in the following years, it will, especially in the west where people already made the transition from desktops to mobile all the time.

Desktops won't go extinct, they'll just be used less compared with smartphones.


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My desktop is just about extinct LOL. I hardly ever use it, in fact I only ever really make use it if I have a problem with my laptop which has been twice in the last three years.

I am not surprised that mobile had increased so much, there are better phones coming out all the time with more features and better functionality. Plus almost everyone has a mobile phone and you take it everywhere with you. This makes going online at any time much more convenient than using a laptop or a desktop.

I must say I am surprised that desktop use has gone up, I honestly would have thought it would have dropped.

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When I say desktop I'm also referring to laptops, just another form of personal computer.
Mobile is anything that isn't laptops and classic desktops. Sorry for the confusion.

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Ugh, I hate the fact that most of the traffic is going mobile. I mainly hate it because it's harder for me to sell a $500+ service to someoen when they're just browsing on their phone lol Apparently Mobile Searches reached 60 percent!

I do push a few pages that are specifically for mobile traffic and they do pretty well Apparently Mobile Searches reached 60 percent! But my main pages are horrible at converting mobile traffic. The content, design, feel, etc. are great at converting desktop traffic, but not mobile Apparently Mobile Searches reached 60 percent!

I really hope that desktop traffic doesn't go away completely, but I do think it will decrease much more in the next 5 years because of all the advancement in technology. And also the fact that smart phones are getting cheaper by the day it seems like lol. I mean hell, even my mom has a smart phone now and she barely uses it haha. But that just goes to show that older people are also upgrading to the fanciest of phones and browsing online because it's super simple to do.

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Mobile search is growing. And be it tablet or smartphone, it will continue to grow. You may find that some of the mobile results are always working better. You just have to find out what works and what does not work in that case. Another thing is that you'd also need to use AMP for making use of such search result.

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As it is now any site that is isn't mobile friendly is leaving money on the table,In recent times most people in different countries access the internet through the mobile though people still use the PC the numbers of mobile users are overwhelming, so yes sites should be optimized to be mobile friendly.

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My take on the internet browsers is more than 60% for the mobile users since the mobile is now getting to be prevalent since smart phones are convenient now with their larger screens unlike before when the iPhone has a small screen that is so difficult to use when typing on the virtual keyboard. And tablets are also getting popular because of the e-books that are designed for reading on a tablet hence most of the users now maybe 70% or even more are using the mobile browsers.

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