
New Twitter announcements about longer tweets!

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New Twitter announcements about longer tweets!

In May 20016 Twiiter just announced new rules which can improve your tweets very much. Now you can put more words into your tweet and yet feat into 140 characters New Twitter announcements about longer tweets! Guessing how?

Here is what they announced:
From now on, your @username characters in your tweet will not be counted, so for example if you have 15 characters long username, you can instead use other text to use that space. The same case is for replays and retweets with quotes.

There is more!
From now on, using attachments like photos, GIFs, videos and pools also will not be counted in characters inside your tweet, so you can freely add longer text, some @username, some video or photo and fit all in 140 characters. Awesome New Twitter announcements about longer tweets!

Wait, there is more!!!
From now on you can retweet your own tweets!!! It was impossible so far, but now you can go back and retweet some of your old tweets, like re-share, and it's also good thing to do, instead of tweeting again some old post from your blog, now you can occasionally retweet it by your self New Twitter announcements about longer tweets!

Twitter is just getting better and better.


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That is great news, I'm glad they are excluding those characters now!

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Yeah, me too. I never knew why they invented such short postings but over time we all get used to it, while few more characters are always welcome to squeeze in few more words and make better meaning of our tweets.

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Oh that is awesome, I've never quite gotten to grips with trying to stuff everything into 140 characters. It takes quite some getting used to after using Facebook for so long doesn't it?

Has this change already happened or is it still coming?

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Yes it's happening since May this year. I know it's a lot different then Facebook or other social networks but for long time i am having very good experience and results from marketing on Twitter, so this little extra really gives me extra ideas to boost my marketing.

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I have seen this option for retweeting own content via Hootsuite, but not actually tried it out. It's not a bad idea to periodically retweet your own content as sometimes your own followers won't always be online when you tweet the first time. And, retweeting what you posted earlier that same day/week is just a little reminder to those who didn't see it the first time, rather than tweeting the exact same content.

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Yeah, something like evergreen content New Twitter announcements about longer tweets!

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I must admit that until recently I never put much effort into Twitter... but now that I have I am getting much better results with Twitter than I ever have with Facebook. My following on one Twitter account was only 4000 and my Facebook page 40 000 but I had more hits from Twitter recently since I stepped up my game and started learning about Twitter. Just goes to show!

My next mission is learning about Pinterest. I have an account but I have not spent much time there either. Any advice?

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I love Twitter. For years i am getting best results from Twitter. It's maybe because i am so familiar with it and making more efforts then on some other social networks, but it's not just me, many other marketers feel the same...
When it comes to Pinterest, it didn't work well for me as it's working good for fashion industry, recipes etc, but here you can read some nice discussion, how to use Pinterest for business

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I think this is a super great step forward and I think they should have made these changes a long time ago, but now it's finally here at least! (well, it's been here since May)

However, even though I knew about these changes, I wasn't aware of the "retweet your own tweets" feature. I must have missed that feature entirely and I welcome this update and newsflash very much. Thank you anwebservices!

By allowing users to retweet their own content makes it much more professional as there's no reason to tweet the exact same tweet a gazillion times per day. Which we can see literally thousands of people do, each and every day. A nice little retweet is all it takes. Much appreciated!

Best Regards,

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My thoughts exactly were "it took that long?! Seriously?!" Glad we were thinking about the same thing!

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