
Do you read reviews before signing up to a new host?

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Do you read reviews before signing up to a new host?

I love reading reviews on hosting companies, not just the positive reviews but negative reviews. These are very helpful for knowing the potential problems of a host provider. Do you read reviews before signing up to a host?


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I don't read reviews as I'm happy with HostGator and it is too popular now, for hosting related stuffs you must go with HostGator..

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I do and not only for signing up to a hoaster. I consider the negative reviews more important than the positive ones as, most of the time, they reflect the reality.

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Yes that's what I do. I read reviews and check out if it is good or not, then if it has good reviews I sign up. I just to make sure that i don't waste my time and effort if ever so that's why i would rather be vigilant because there are a lot of fakes and scammers these days.

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