
Swapping subscriptions

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Swapping subscriptions

Do you expect other Youtube channel owners to subscribe to your channel when you subscribe to yours? Would you be interested in some type of subscription swap with the right Youtube channel owner if it could benefit your traffic?


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That would be nice right? If you subscribe, you would hope they would return the favor. But, it's not Twitter and most Youtube channel owners don't feel the need to return the favor.

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That would be like following someone on Twitter hoping they will follow you back. And, sometimes that strategy works on Twitter but maybe not so much Youtube.

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Maybe it would be nice if they subscribed, but I would not expect them to do so if they were not at all interested in my channel. That really would not help me much to have someone subscribed that was not ever going to watch my videos.

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I am more interested in legitimate fans of my Youtube content rather than having one more useless subscription from a fake fan that was bought, traded or in other ways faked as all these fake likes/subscriptions mean nothing. Only the real fans can help you become popular on that site.

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If someone subscribed to my channel, I would check out what they have on their channel to see if it's something I like. If I like what I see then I would subscribe. But if not, there would be no reason to subscribe. After all, you should only subscribe if you like the videos and want to show your support for that channel.

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I would not be comfortable with that. It is not cool to me to see a swap in Youtube subscriptions as a result of the fact that I subscribed to another Youtube.

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