
My Personal Twitter Strategy That Gets Me 50-100 New Followers Per Day

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My Personal Twitter Strategy That Gets Me 50-100 New Followers Per Day

The following strategy may be considered "unethical" by some, but I don't really believe so. You don't really game the system, you don't take advantage of anyone, and no one gets hurt in the process.

Currently, I only have 500 followers, but it's growing daily AND I get 30-50 page views from Twitter ALONE. My followers are laser-targeted, interested in what I tweet, and click on my links.

Here goes:

1. Create an account with (free).
2. Find someone in my niche (I blog about blogging) who has thousands of followers. (e.g. @copyblogger)
3. Follow one thousand people (takes between 5-10 minutes).
4. For the next few days, about 10-20% of the people I followed will follow back.
5. By the third day, I unfollow everyone who hasn't followed me back yet (using Manageflitter, free tool, takes about five minutes or less to unfollow 1000 people).
6. Repeat.

A new strategy I just put into place:

1. Find someone who is in my niche, and has roughly the same amount or twice the amount of followers I do.
2. Ask them to bump my profile in a tweet (e.g. follow @Killerteen for great blogging tips!), and in exchange I'll bump them in 2-3 tweets.
4. People click on the link to my profile from their tweet, and follow me because I provide value related to what they want.

A few tips I'm learning along the way:

1. ALWAYS use hashtags with EVERY tweet.
2. Include a linkback to your website in the biography as well as the area for website link.
3. Build relationships. If someone ever mentions you, mention them back. The sooner, the better.
4. Don't RT/fav other people's tweets TOO much. Do it about 4-5 times a day.

I consistently get 1-2 retweets per tweet, and 2-5 favs on each one - even if its linking to something else. And remember, this is with only four followers. But ALL my followers are targeted, active, and know that I provide value.

Got questions? Post a reply and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.


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This seems like a good technique to use. Keep us posted on how it is going for you.

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Wow that is a lot of followers. Each day you are getting this many? Wow, good for you!!!!!

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They are fake followers though and your Twitter is at risk of suspension.

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Thanks for the information.. Just got allot of followers

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I have 6.5 followers on my twitter account for my website. However, I only have less than 400 followers on my personal twitter account. Over the years I have tried to increase my twitter followers by following different strategies such as following people so that they will reciprocate, using my twitter profile as email signature and forum signature, sharing my twitter links to other social media sites.
I found this technique very interesting. I have bookmarked this page so that I can try this method.

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