
Annoying things about Facebook

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Annoying things about Facebook

On Facebook, they have so many options for updates, such as when you get a like or share or tag, comment, etc. And, you have to untick all those boxes or you get massive emails. So annoying. That's just one of the things currently annoying me about Facebook.


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Yes this is rather annoying. However I like to be notified so I can see if I have been tagged, just so I know when I am.

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forever love
Yes this is rather annoying. However I like to be notified so I can see if I have been tagged, just so I know when I am.

You are allowed to approve these posts you are tagged in before they appear on your timeline. That will be useful if a friend tags you in an embarrassing photo.

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You are allowed to approve these posts you are tagged in before they appear on your timeline. That will be useful if a friend tags you in an embarrassing photo.

So true. I have had this done to me and I was glad that I was able to untag myself.

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You are allowed to approve these posts you are tagged in before they appear on your timeline. That will be useful if a friend tags you in an embarrassing photo.

Some 'friends' will tag you in such a photo just to be mean. I'm happy Facebook offers privacy options so you control when/how and by whom you can be tagged.

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Alerts are annoying. But more so are the requests for game help from friends. I do not play these games and don't want to receive requests from others who do.

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I hate when unknown people request for friendship and keep piling up emails into my inbox that filled up to 999 messages. How do I unsubscribe the emails?

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One thing that really annoys me in Facebook is when I receive a chain mail that says something about prayer and that I should forward the message to all my friends otherwise bad luck will hit me. In the olden days, we call that chain letter. The Catholic priests had already said that chain letter is the work of the devil. And now I’m wondering why people are still forwarding those kind of messages in Facebook. It really annoys me because it is obvious that some people are not using their education.

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