
Merging Facebook pages

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Merging Facebook pages

Is it possible to merge two similar Facebook pages? If you find a similar page that has many likes and fans and want to merge it with yours, can you buy it from the original Facebook owner of that page?


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Officially you can't buy/sell fb pages. But you can do it through emails and hidden ways. But I'm pretty sure fb doesn't have option to merge two different pages.

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I have no experience with buying stuff like this but I suppose that you might be able to.

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Contact the page owner and see if they would be willing to merge pages with you. Hopefully that would be a possibility.

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You can Merge pages if you have full control over both pages. You can't take someone else's page and merge yours with it unless the two of you come to a mutual agreement. There are some YT videos on transferring ownership.

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You can't merge two different Facebook Pages linked to two different persons. You can buy the account and page and convert it to your own but you still can't merge it into a single page.

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