
Several questions

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Several questions

Hi everyone !

first of all thanks for this awesome community and very affordable services, but sorry for my english I don't know if i'm good at.

I'm wondering, I've bought some SEO packs between 5 and 30 $ and I saw more traffic (not espicially my country, because products are the same in every language) and more prints in google webmaster but no conversions (no customers). My prices are attractive but my catalogue is lacking facing the main concurrents and nearly abandonned my shop.

I'm using prestashop and I bought SEO services mostly for mid to high competitive keywords like "cigarettes éléctroniques" "mods mécaniques" (it's french keywords for juice smoking.

Since electronic cigarette advertising in facebook and adword is banned it's a bit hard to get conversion apart from SEO.

I will now start with a fresh seo campaign with products keywords (less competitive). I want to rank my products to top or second place from my catalogue. How do I proceed ? I want to provide right keywords and url to the service i'm buying.

Now questions !

1. On my product page, is there an order of importance of keywords like title of the page (product), h1 h2 ,content or metadescription ?
2. When i'm ordering a service for ranking one of my product i need to provide what url ? the main www, xxxxx,com or my product page ?
3. Even if prestashop isn't a blog, i'm creating some tutorials pages with some keywords in it, it is useful or not ?
4. Is traffic can increase ranking ? If yes what service I need to take ?

I would be very grateful if someone can provide me an simple audit or tricks for avoid major mistakes

I think it's all for the moment.

Thanks in advance !


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No one can help me ? please....

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As far as H tags are concerned, keywords should be used in order when possible. For example, H1 should use the most important.

There's tons of services to increase your traffic, but that only matters if the traffic actually converts ;)

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