
I need answer from experienced SEO ???

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I need answer from experienced SEO ???

Once you get the client,what is step by step process of doing SEO for his website,and by this i don't mean on page-off page SEO....
I mean about does he give you his domain or website account,or else ???


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Some clients do not prefer to give you access to their sites and will only give you their stats, for you to come up with an analysis and suggestions for improvement. If you offer SEO consultancy, it is much better not to get account credentials from the clients. If you are going to be the only source of SEO for the client sites, it is better to get access. It saves time. However, you must ensure that the client is aware of all SEO happenings on the site. There is always a possibility of the client quoting ignorance of your doings, if something goes wrong. And with SEO, something will go wrong, sooner or later...

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Thank you guys...very useful answers...

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If you are an SEO specialist to work on a website, I guess you will be tasked to do the off-page SEO work which is safer for your client. You can do off-page work like link building without touching the website. Just promote the site in forums, blogs and social media. However, you need to have proof that you have done that promotion, how many posts you made and where you had posted. In other words, your report will matter because it will be the basis for the payment.

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