
What's the best webmaster tool for SEO?

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What's the best webmaster tool for SEO?

Do you have a favorite webmaster tool that helps with your SEO? How long have you been using it?


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Google Webmaster tools is very comprehensive and all I use to manage my sites.

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Are you optimizing your site based on yahoo search engine, if your answer is yes then you can use it. Since as of today 99.999% webmaster optimize their website based on Google so we are only consider about Google Webmaster tools and gives value what it likes and what it dislikes most.

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i used online

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i use ranksignals

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Tommy Matalino
i use ranksignals

How is it compared to to Google Webmasters Tools?

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I use Google web master tools and it is better than other webmaster tools.

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Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) is the most reliable and efficient one. I am managing my multiple websites using GWT.

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The answer to your question is no doubt Google Webmaster Tools.

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Do you have a favorite webmaster tool that helps with your SEO? How long have you been using it?

I think Google webmaster tools is the most relayable tools for SEO.I use this tools for 2 years.

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Google webmaster tools is the best. I am also using it

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I have google webmaster tool and i am using it from beginning of my career in seo.

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Tommy Matalino
The answer to your question is no doubt Google Webmaster Tools.

Is there any tutorial on how to use Google Webmaster Tools for your SEO campaigns?

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Google webmaster tool is the best one for your site it gives all the information about your backlinks and html errors.

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For me the best webmaster tool is google keyword traffic tool. It tells me how many searches are done worldwide for a particular keyword. I look for the keywords related to my site niche, and I pick the word which is searched by many.

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Google webmaster tool is the bast one because it gives complete information about back links,crawling errors,search queries,html errors,internal links,sitemaps.

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My personal favorite is google analytics. It tells me everything I need to know about my site, that is number of visitors of my site, bounce rate, post/articles liked by users, etc. What else do I need from a webmaster perspective to improve my site ? What

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Tommy Matalino
My personal favorite is google analytics. It tells me everything I need to know about my site, that is number of visitors of my site, bounce rate, post/articles liked by users, etc. What else do I need from a webmaster perspective to improve my site ? What

True. In addition, you can check how much a page is earning from Google Adsense.

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Really ? I never saw earning option on analytics for a page. How do you check it ?

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What is google webmaster tool ? Isn't analytic, google keyword tool considered as google webmaster tools ? Are you guys talking about all these tools or google has a tool by name "google webmaster tool" ?

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I personally like Googles webmaster tool, as well as the SEO Power Suit collection. Those two things I find to be the most helpful with webmaster tools.

Is SEO Power suit a open source tool ? or a freeware ?

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Tommy Matalino
Really ? I never saw earning option on analytics for a page. How do you check it ?

There is. That is if you use the same email both on your Google Adsense and Analytics.

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Google Webmaster, Google Keywords, Alexa rank

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Tommy Matalino
Google Webmaster, Google Keywords, Alexa rank

How can Alexa Rank help your site's SEO?

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How can Alexa Rank help your site's SEO?

I've heard that it's easy to manipulate Alexa Rank, so I'm not sure if that would even be a valid indicator of a site's true worth.

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There is. That is if you use the same email both on your Google Adsense and Analytics.

So, is it possible to internlink two accounts ? I mean I've different account for analytic and adsense, so can I connect it now ?

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There is. That is if you use the same email both on your Google Adsense and Analytics.

ok.. BTW, I've same problem as priya introduced. I've a email related to analytic and another for adsense. So, how can I interlink them ?

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So, is it possible to internlink two accounts ? I mean I've different account for analytic and adsense, so can I connect it now ?

Can you just change your email on the analytics to the same one as Adsense? Or, is there a more complicated process to linking these accounts? I don't think they will let you make a secondary account for analytics. But I don't know.

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How do think she can change email on analytic ? I would love to do it too.

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Can you just change your email on the analytics to the same one as Adsense? Or, is there a more complicated process to linking these accounts? I don't think they will let you make a secondary account for analytics. But I don't know.

I would like to reiterate what shahid asked. Although I would love to connect those accounts, if possible. Otherwise, I'll have to go with the option you suggested. Can you share the link to change analytic email address ?

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I use Google Webmaster Tools

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Google Webmaster tool integrated with Google Analytics works great.
Use SEObook, ahrefs for in depth analysis and SEO knowledge base.

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Do you have a favorite webmaster tool that helps with your SEO? How long have you been using it?

Google webmaster is best from all other available tool most important thing is that its of Google which will help in improving your rank and will help you to monitor through Google guideline if you are focusing Google search engine.

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