
What is your favorite Google service to use?

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What is your favorite Google service to use?

Do you have a favorite Google service that you like to use? My favorite Google services are Youtube and Search as well as Gmail. What are yours?


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Google maps is my favorite to use along with Gmail and Youtube and a few others such as Google+.

I use Google maps daily to find my way around town or chart locations needed.

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Gmail,Google,youtube id great..

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I like Gmail a lot and it's never failed me. I don't really mind all the bad press about Google as it serves my needs.

Youtube is my other favorite Google service. I spend a lot of my time there.

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I have been using many services from Google. Some of them are YouTube, Gmail, Google Map, Google Translate and Google Books. I use Gmail and YouTube the most. You can enable your channel for monetization on YouTube now and I visit YouTube as I have to grow and maintain my channel. I also enjoy watching other videos on YouTube.

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When I discovered Dropbox, I was really glad to learn and avail of cloud storage. And it is for free. But when someone suggested Google Drive to us, it is really the best because of the 15 GB that comes with the account upon registration. And it is all for free. I can access the files and folders from our home desktop to any computer that is connected to the internet. That is the wonder of the cloud storage. Unfortunately, I think it was in 2016 when Google Drive stopped its support for Windows XP computers. So now we cannot use Google Drive anymore.

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