
Have you claimed your business listing in Bing Places for Business?

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Have you claimed your business listing in Bing Places for Business?

Bing Places for Business is a free service that allows you to add or claim your business listing on Bing and be found by millions of Bing users searching online. Claiming your listing allows you to take control of your business information online and modify it with rich content such as photos, menus, phone numbers, and other relevant information. This information can drive Bing users to learn more about your products and services as well as how to contact you if they have any questions or desire to initiate a business transaction.

Have you claimed your listing yet?


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Is there a cost for the Bing Places if you have a business? And, do you need to verify business ownership?

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Does it give equal opportunity to people from across the globe or again it is just a start which only US citizens can enjoy?

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Good information. I agree with the two comments above. The first thing I would want to know is how much it cost. For a small business this is very important because I'm sure you are trying to cut costs. I would also want to know if it applies worldwide or is only available in the US. I would bet that it would only be beneficial to US citizens, Bing is not as popular as Google in most Countries outside the US.

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