
How many emails does a subscriber receive daily?

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How many emails does a subscriber receive daily?

I was reading how an average person receives 10 to 20 pieces of email daily including newsletters, updates and spam mail they have subscribed to from various sites. For that reason, I wonder if they are really in the mood for any more emails. And, what can be done to ensure the person who has subscribed stays interested enough to actually take time to open those emails daily as they arrive.


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First thing in that context is the heading of your email :
-It must be such a heading that can attract the user to open it ..
-Heading should be short and interesting .
-It must be something for the users interest (If user loves sports then he should get email regarding sports)
-Make sure your information is correct so that user trust your mails and are always interested in reading them ..
I hope you will find the answer helpful .

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I think most of the people who choose to subscribe to the emails, they get a lot of spam mails. And it reduces the effectiveness of the mails. So often the mails that are being sent to you are specific to the people who are into the work. I have seen that subscriber have their own set of the limits for daily mails. I think Gmail has started filtering a lot of mails. So you may have to check on that part.

I have noticed that some of the people who send mails daily need to check on that part as well. They send 1 mail a day. And that often may get bounced. So it could be possible that subscribers may get filtered too.

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If you say email that a subscriber gets from one sender, I guess it should not be more often than once a week. I have many email subscriptions particularly from the companies of my credit cards and the airlines that I patronize. I get an email from them about 3 in a week at random. But if I would be getting 3 mails a day from all of them I guess that is already spamming.

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