
Taking sick days as a freelancer

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Taking sick days as a freelancer

When you have a 'real world' job, you are required to show up at work or risk losing employment. And, sometimes that's true even if you are sick. When you work at home you can actually take a sick day without fear. However, taking a day off, also means work gets backed up so there's more to do on the next day when you're not feeling sick anymore. How do you deal with the situation when you feel too sick to get out of bed but still need to get work done on deadline?


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Sometimes, working is the best cure for whatever ails you as it can give you purpose and direction with your life. Even if you're feeling somewhat under the weather, you should still be able to bring your laptop into the bed and get some work done.

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Throughout the past few years I've only had maybe 1-2 small periods off working online completely and in those cases it was actual vacations. Other than that if I at home I am getting my work done. On a day when I'm feeling terrible though I will only do the work that must get done, anything that's optional can always wait. Not the most pleasant example for some but just the other day I was throwing up 20 minutes after waking up whilst doing my usual morning work.

If I didn't do the work all I would think about is the fact I haven't done the work, that there'll be a ton to the next day and that in any 1 of the many areas I work online there could be a serious problem that I am not aware of. You never know what you could miss in a day. Your hosting provider could go down, your website could be hacked, a great client might be very angry at you that is only due to a misunderstanding and you appear as ignoring them, the possibilities are endless even if unlikely.

I was very rarely allowed time off school when sick which probably attributes to my attitude about it.


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Throughout the past few years I've only had maybe 1-2 small periods off working online completely and in those cases it was actual vacations. Other than that if I at home I am getting my work done. On a day when I'm feeling terrible though I will only do the work that must get done, anything that's optional can always wait. Not the most pleasant example for some but just the other day I was throwing up 20 minutes after waking up whilst doing my usual morning work.

If I didn't do the work all I would think about is the fact I haven't done the work, that there'll be a ton to the next day and that in any 1 of the many areas I work online there could be a serious problem that I am not aware of. You never know what you could miss in a day. Your hosting provider could go down, your website could be hacked, a great client might be very angry at you that is only due to a misunderstanding and you appear as ignoring them, the possibilities are endless even if unlikely.

I was very rarely allowed time off school when sick which probably attributes to my attitude about it.


Everything you said is very relevant and true. Even when we take a day off for vacation or sick day, it's still important to stay plugged in, to receive client messages/emails or updates on work situations. A lot can be lost when you're not looking.

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If I am really sick then I will take a sick day. Otherwise I just push through.

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I find that if I am really sick I am not very productive so it is in my best interest to get well first.

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I agree with you Angie. You can not work if you are really sick and if your work is going to suffer, you should take a day or two to recoop.

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Don't push yourself too hard when you are sick or your recovery time will be longer. Or, in the situation of flu or other infection you might get sick all over again.

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Don't push yourself too hard when you are sick or your recovery time will be longer. Or, in the situation of flu or other infection you might get sick all over again.

I had that happen to me once and was off even longer than what I would have been if I had just taken a day off to rest.

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I had that happen to me once and was off even longer than what I would have been if I had just taken a day off to rest.

Another thing to watch out for is the time just after getting over flu or cold. That first three days after you are symptom free is the easiest time to become infected again. This is true because your body is weakest then and still recovering.

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Well, if you are actually sick and bed ridden, then I could see a reason to call it a "Sick Day" but there are people who claim to be sick but aren't actually sick. If you have a legitimate reason not to do any work then that is fine but if you are claiming to be "sick" when you are perfectly fine and just want to get out of work, then that isn't right.

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If you have the money to take a day off, then do so, but if you don't have money keep working. That's how it is in the 'real' work place and you should honor that even when working at home.

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When I was in the hospital last month for a m8nor surgery, I was still able to do my freelancing work. All I needed was someone to do the typing for me. I was like a boss who was doing the dictating. And before clicking the send button, I had the typed text read to me in full for a possible correction. It's not easy but it's not hard either.

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Health is wealth, I wouldn't joke about my health.If my body needs a rest, I wouldn't hesitate to take one.Working yourself to death is foolishness.It doesn't make much sense.So yes I will take sick leave if my body demands just that.

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